Fertility Problems


The following are suggestions which can be helpful during the time of waiting for pregnancy to occur:

  • Know the time of ovulation, and the entire fertile period.
  • Check that love making is sufficiently frequent.
  • Avoid the “female superior” position; it allows the male ejaculate to spill out of the vagina.
  • The missionary position, man on top, is the most appropriate for fertility needs.
  • Avoid moving after ejaculation to allow the semen to pool in the fornix areas around the cervix.
  • Remain on the back for at least half an hour with the knees drawn up and a pillow under the hips.
  • Eschew the douche. The fluid can upset the ecology of the vagina and hence upset the motility of the sperm.
  • If lubrication is required, avoid the use of water-soluble jellies which can be spermicidal.
  • Eat a balanced diet, with fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat proteins and unrefined grains.
  • Maintain a normal body weight. Avoid all crash diets and slimming programs.
  • Exercise in moderation. Exercise abuse upsets ovulation and causes irregular periods.
  • Avoid alcohol and marijuana. Both reduce sperm production and can affect the female reproductive system.
  • Avoid cigarettes. Couples who smoke have a significantly lower fertility rate than couples who do not.
  • Hot baths and jacuzzis affect sperm production. Avoid tight-fitting pants and jockey-type underwear. Keep the groin cool.
  • Relax. Stress is a factor in fertility problems.
Fertility Problems

Fertility Drugs

There are different kinds of fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries. Each has advantages and disadvantages in terms of time, negative side effects, cost, and so on. Some are taken orally, others require shots. Still, others are delivered via a pump which is worn at the waist with a drip feed entering a vein in the arm; this allows for small doses to be slowly and steadily absorbed.

Fertility drugs work in various ways, usually on the pituitary and/or hypothalamus. They stimulate the ovaries in the early part of the cycle to produce more and better follicles. They are very effective; 80 to 90 percent of women will ovulate regularly on the 13th or 14th day. Where the only cause of infertility is poor ovulation, there is a very good chance of pregnancy.

In fact, fertility drugs stimulate the ovaries so successfully that more than one egg is produced. This results in the problem of multiple births. There is a 10 to 25 percent chance of twins and triplets; with higher numbers, some of the embryos die, and/or are severely retarded. Though fertility drugs do involve multiple births, further research may soon reduce this risk.