Secondary Impotence

Impotence and Erection

It has such a varied etiology that a formalized frequency table for professional consideration is contraindicated at this time. Yet significant consideration must be devoted to dominant sources from which the fears of performance common to all forms of male sexual dysfunction can and do develop.

Every man is influenced to a major degree by his sexual value system, which reflects directly the input from his psychosocial background.

Over the centuries the single constant etiological source of all forms of male sexual dysfunction has been the level of cultural demand for effectiveness of male sexual performance. The cultural concept that the male partner must accept full responsibility for establishing successful coital connection has placed upon everyman the psychological burden for the coital process and has released every woman from any suggestion of similar responsibility for its success.

If anatomical anomalies such as vaginal agenesis or an imperforate hymen are exempted and the psychological dysfunction of vaginismus is discounted, it could be said provocatively that there has never been an impotent woman.

Woman need only make herself physically available to accomplish coital connection or even to propagate the race. Legions of women conceive and raise families without ever experiencing orgasm and carry coition to the point of male, ejaculation with little physical effort and no personal, reactive involvement.

During coition woman has only to lie still to be physically potent. While this role of total passivity is no longer an acceptable psychological approach to sexual encounter in view of current cultural demand for active female participation, it is still an irrevocable physiological fact that woman need only lie still to be potent.

Erection and masculinity

Any biophysical or psychosocial influence that can interfere with the male partner’s ability to achieve and to maintain an erection can cast a shadow of conscious doubt upon the effectiveness of his coital performance, and, in due course, upon his concept of the state of his masculinity.

Once a shadow of doubt has been cast, even though based only on a single unsatisfactory sexual performance after years of effective functioning, a man may become anxious about his theoretical potential for future coital connection. With the first doubt raised by any failed attempt at sexual connection in the past comes the first tinge of fear for the effectiveness of any sexual performance in the future.

There are a number of theoretical factors and a combination of psychological, circumstantial, environmental, physiological, or even iatrogenic factors that can raise the specter of the fear of performance in the always susceptible mind of the male in our culture, be he 14 or 84 years of age.

It should come as no surprise that in the referred population of sexually dysfunctional men, by far the most frequent potentiator of secondary impotence is the existence of a prior state of premature ejaculation, and that the second most frequent factor in onset of secondary impotence can be directly related to a specific incident of acute ingestion of alcohol or to a pattern of excessive alcohol intake per se.

Of course, both the factors of premature ejaculation and alcoholism accomplish their unfortunate purpose in the onset of impotence through engendering fears of performance.

In premature ejaculation
The fears of performance usually develop as the result of a slow but steady process of attrition spanning a period of years and are purely psychosocial in origin. In alcoholism the fears of performance usually develop rapidly, almost without warning, as the immediate result of untoward psychic trauma on circumstantial bases.

By reason of the diverse patterns of clinical onset as well as the marked variation in their rapidity of development, these two major etiological factors will be considered in some detail, with the discussion amplified by representative case histories.

Secondary Impotence With Premature Ejaculation

An established pattern of premature ejaculation prior to the onset of the symptoms of secondary impotence has been recorded in 63 of the total 213 men evaluated and treated for secondary impotence in the past 11 years. The premature ejaculation tendencies usually have been established for a significant period of time (generally a matter of years) before the symptoms of secondary impotence develop.

The fact that the prior existence of a pattern of premature ejaculation often leads to secondary impotence is yet another reason for clinical confusion in the textual listing of the premature ejaculator as an impotent male. There is no established percentage of premature ejaculators who progress to secondary impotence.

While the number is of considerable moment, this by no means suggests that a majority of premature ejaculators become secondarily impotent. A composite history typical of the sequential pattern of secondary impotence developing in a man distressed by prior symptoms of premature ejaculation is presented in detail.

Typically, the man is married, with some college education. Married in his mid-twenties, he usually is well into his thirties or even mid forties before onset of the symptoms of secondary impotence forces him to seek professional support.

Rapid ejaculations:

Sexual dysfunction (premature ejaculation) has existed throughout the marriage. This man has had a moderate degree of sexual experience before marriage with, perhaps, three to five other partners, and has the typical premature ejaculator’s history of having been conditioned in a rapid ejaculatory pattern during his first coital opportunities.

If authority has been approached in the interest of learning ejaculatory control, the results of such consultation have been essentially negligible in terms of improved sexual function. Professional relief of the psychosexual tensions created for the marital union by the continued existence of this form of sexual dysfunction rarely is sought until the youngest of any children of the marriage is at least of school age.

By this time the female partner has little tolerance for the situation. She no longer can contend with the frustrations inherent in a relatively constant state of sexual excitation, occasional, if ever, release of her sexual tensions, and rare, if ever, male consideration of her unresolved sexual demands.

Over the years of the marriage (ten to twenty), the issue of the husband’s rapid ejaculatory termination of their coital encounters has been raised repetitively.

The wife’s complaint was initially registered quietly, even questioningly; in time, complainingly or accusingly; and finally, demandingly, shrewishly, or contemptuously, as her personality and the immediate levels of her sexual frustration dictated.

The male partner, rarely made aware of the inadequacy of his sexual performances during premarital sexual experience, and frequently totally insensitive to his wife’s levels of sexual frustration during the early years of marriage, finally accepts the repetitively hammered concept that the dysfunctional state of their marital sexual status is “his fault” and, consequently, that he must “do something.”

And so he tries. As described in premature ejaculation, he bites his lips; thinks of work at the office; plans tomorrow’s activities; constricts the rectal sphincter; counts backwards from one hundred.

In short, does everything to distract himself from his partner’s obvious demands for sexual fulfillment during coital connection. Insofar as possible, he consciously turns off both the functional and the subjective projections of his wife’s sexual demands in order to reduce the input of his sexual stimuli.

Sexual Encounter

For instance whenever his wife reaches that level of sexual tension that finds her responding to sexually oriented stimuli almost involuntarily (a high-plateau tension level), the physically obvious state of her sexual demand drives her husband rapidly toward ejaculation. The beleaguered premature ejaculator, trying for control, employs any or all of the subjectively distracting tactics described above.

Thus, as much as possible, he not only denies the objective demand for his ejaculatory response inherent in his wife’s pelvic thrusting, but also attempts to deny generally the subjective feeling of vaginal containment and specifically the constrictive containment of the penis by her engorged orgasmic platform.

Insofar as possible, he compulsively negates the obvious commitment of her entire body to the elevated levels of her sexual demand. Whether or not this man ever acquires nominal physiological control of his premature ejaculatory tendencies by employing his diversionary tactics, one half of the mutually stimulative cycle that exists between sexually responsive men and women certainly has been dulled or even totally obviated.

This conscious dulling or even negating of input from his wife’s physical expressions of sexual demand is his first unintentional step toward secondary impotence.

There is marked individual variation in the particular moment at which the wife’s repetitively verbalized complaints of inadequacy of ejaculatory control were extrapolated by the husband into a conscious concern for “inadequacy of sexual performance.” Once the premature ejaculator develops any in depth concept that he is sexually inadequate, he is ripe for psychosocial distraction during any sexual encounter.

While his wife continues to berate his premature ejaculatory tendencies as “his sexual failure,” as “not getting the job done,” as “being totally uninterested in her sexual release,” or as “evidence of his purely selfish interests,” the reasonably intelligent male frequently develops a protean concern for the total of his sexual prowess.

Once a premature ejaculator questions the adequacy of his sexual performance, not only does he worry about ejaculatory control, but he also moves toward over concentration on the problem of satisfying his wife. While over concentrating in an attempt to force effective sexual control, he subjectively blocks full sensate input of the stimulative effect of his wife’s sexual demand.

Frequently, the pressured male resorts to a time honored female dodge: that of developing excuses for avoiding sexual activity. He claims he is tired not feeling well or has important work to do the next day.

He displays little interest in sexual encounter simply because he knows the result of any attempted sexual connection will probably be traumatic at best physical release for him but not satisfaction for his wife, and at worst a disaster of argument Or vituperation.

In brief:
There is further blocking of the inherent biophysical stimulation derived from the consistent level of mutual sexual awareness that prevails between sexually adjusted marital partners and a depreciation of the importance of mutual communication within the security of the marital bed.

Finally, the turning point. The wife pushes for sexual encounter on an occasion when the husband is emotionally distracted, physically tired, and certainly frustrated with his sexual failures. In a naturally self-protective sequence, he is totally uninterested in sexual encounter. When the husband is approached sexually by his demanding partner, there is little in the way of an erective response.

For the first time the man fears that he is dealing with a sexual dysfunction of infinitely more gravity than the performance inadequacy of his premature ejaculatory pattern. Once this man, previously sensitized to fears of sexual performance by his wife’s repetitively verbalized rejection of his rapid ejaculatory tendencies, fails at erection, fears of performance multiply almost geometrically, and his effectiveness as a sexually functional male diminishes with parallel rapidity.

Secondary Impotence


When the first erective failure occurs, the involved man certainly should not immediately be judged secondarily impotent. Many men have occasional episodes of erective failure, particularly when fatigued or distracted. However, an initial failure at coital connection may become a harbinger, and, as apprehension increases during episodes of erection, a pattern of erective failure subsequently may be established.

Finally, erective inadequacy may become a relatively constant companion to opportunities for sexual connection.

Erection Difficulty

When an individual male’s rate of failure at successful coital connection approaches 25 percent of his opportunities, the clinical diagnosis of secondary impotence must be accepted. The sexual dysfunction termed premature ejaculation has been labeled by various textbooks as a form of sexual impotence.

It is difficult to accept this dilution of the clinical picture of both primary and secondary impotence, because the dysfunctions of impotence have in common the specter of male conceptive inadequacy as well as those of erective inadequacy.

The physiological and psychological limitations of conceptive inadequacy do not apply to the premature ejaculator, nor, for that matter, is there any difficulty in attaining an erection. There is difficulty, of course, in maintaining an erection for significant lengths of time, but in opposition to the concerns of impotence, when the premature ejaculator loses his erection he does so as part of the male’s total orgasmic process.

No Ejaculation

If the impotent male succeeds in attaining erection and then loses it shortly before or shortly after penetration, he usually does so without ejaculating.

The premature ejaculator characterishcally functions with a high degree of reproductive efficiency and, unfortunately for the female partner, with little waste of time.

Previously, the man with ejaculatory incompetence has not been separated from clinical concepts of impotence, and such separation is indeed long overdue. From a clinical point of view, ejaculatory incompetence is diametrically opposed to premature ejaculation in the kaleidoscope of male sexual dysfunctions.

While the male with ejaculatory incompetence parallels the impotent male in reflecting clinical concerns for conceptive inadequacy, such a man could never be accused of the erective inadequacy so frustrating for both primarily and secondarily impotent men. There is essentially no time limitation to maintenance of erection for the man with ejaculatory incompetence.

He simply cannot ejaculate intravaginally.

The premature ejaculator arbitrarily is excluded from the categorical diagnosis of impotence, even if on occasion he may not be able to achieve penetration with success.

Frequently the sexual stimulation of coital opportunity, or of any form of precoital sex play, will cause him to ejaculate either before he can accomplish vaginal intromission or immediately after coital connection has been established.

The clinical difference between the two types of inadequate coital function (premature ejaculation and secondary impotence) lies in the fact that acquiring ejaculatory control is more a matter of physiological than psychological orientation, while reconstituting the ability to attain or maintain an erection quality sufficient for effective coital connection requires psycho logical rather than physiological reorientation.

The man with incompetent ejaculation arbitrarily is excluded from a categorical diagnosis of impotence, even though both types of inadequate coital function have a multiplicity of etiologies almost entirely psychological rather than physiological in character.

Their basic variation is that the incompetent ejaculator functions most effectively from a purely physiological point of view as a coital entity, while the impotent man does not.

Prostate Problems

Erection Testosterone


As you know by now that the main role of the prostate is to make and squeeze the semen into the urethra canal and muscles the fluid out of the gland. So without a prostate, there’s no discharge! This often is mistaken as no erections or libido loss. As mentioned earlier, it’s a misconception!

The reason behind this is; the urethra running in the middle from the bladder down to the glands (where you pee or ejaculate) is being clamped by an enlarged prostate. Hence, causing its inability to let things flow through smoothly. In addition, if the prostate gland is infected or inflamed and that pain gets to the scrotum, anus, groin, lower back, thighs, and abdomen, it can dampen sexual pleasures and/or sexual desires. Frequent preventing of ejaculations may cause engorged prostate and congestive prostate to take place and that may cause inability to ejaculate. Likewise, a sudden explosive and marathon sex after celibating for a period of time will overdrive the prostate and the penis.

Similarly, you will notice that your penis is no longer as erect as it used to be and seems not as eager. Many older men find that their ejaculations are either powerless or the message to climax is not as strong as ever. Others discover that it takes longer to become erect again after intercourse. These changes are also normal (remember that the prostate enlarges as men age). Stresses (due to work, finances or love life, or even fear of being unable to have an erection) are very common causes of erection difficulties. With anxiety about your sexual performance, it can be a major factor in reducing or preventing your capacity to have and sustain an erection.

Declining Male Hormones

The sex hormones, chemicals that help shape your love life, unfortunately decline with age. The testicles in the human are the production site of this hormone, testosterone, from the androgen group. This male hormone plays key roles in both health and well-being including enhanced libido, energy, immune function, and protection against osteoporosis.

A lack of male hormones is an extremely rare cause of erection difficulties but decreasing testosterone levels can reduce his desire for sex.

The aging process (which is unavoidable) in men is accompanied by a significant decrease in available levels of this hormone and this is probably due to decreased activity of these hormone-producing cells and a reduction in blood supply to the testes. Androgen deficiency in men may lead to loss of strength and energy, a decrease in muscle mass, osteoporosis, a decrease in sexual activity. In some cases, changes in mood and cognitive function. This decreasing of hormone weakens the drive for sex, stamina, and strength to get an erection.

Testosterone is responsible for:

  1. the development of male secondary sexual characteristics such as body hair growth (e.g. facial, chest, and pubic hair)
  2. penile growth
  3. deepening of the voice
  4. sex drive (libido)
  5. indirectly helps achieve erections.
  6. possibly for a feeling of well-being and energy.

Testosterone replacement or supplement for men may help combat the effects of declining sex hormones.

Remember that the penis cannot be erected when the blood vessels become blocked and the blood can’t get to the penis. Occasionally, other conditions (alcohol, smoking, drugs, fatigue, poor diet, and health), can prevent a man from getting and sustaining a satisfactory erection.

Penis Health

Penis Erection

Restore Sex

4 steps to Restore Man Sexual Function:

Step 1.

If you lose your erection during intercourse, just let it go. Then tried something different like performing cunnilingus on your partner. You may get hard again or even if you don’t, you have satisfied your partner, which makes a man feel good too.

Step 2.

Concentrate on pleasing your partner. Perform cunnilingus when erection falters, is a good one. When a man forgets his own perceived “problem” and concentrates on giving his partner pleasure, he relieves his performance anxiety. He creates a win-win situation. Maybe he will get his erection back, but even if he doesn’t, he will feel good about himself as a lover.

Step 3.

Use a partial erection to good advantage. When you feel the erection subsiding during intercourse, pull out your penis, take penis in hand, and get creative. Grasp penis firmly but not choking, start to stimulate your partner’s clitoris with the head, brushing it back and forth, often bring her to orgasm this way. Use the head of your penis to stroke her inner thighs or her nipples. You could get really hard at the same time. This way both you and your partner can enjoy penis play

Some men can also have intercourse with a partial erection by holding the base of the penis firmly as they thrust. You don’t need a full erection to make love with your penis. Experiment with ways of stimulating your partner with the erection you have.

Step 4.

Don’t blame your partner. In hurt pride following an erectile failure, a man might lash out at his partner, accusing her of failing to arouse him sufficiently. Don’t do that as not only will you hurt her and invite a defensive assault, you’ll only feel worse about yourself later. Once a couple have started a cycle of blaming, they’ll find it hard to break free and move to a place of acceptance and understanding. Let down the barriers and share your fears and concerns with her, without blaming her or yourself.

Some men find it more difficult to talk about their erection problems than their emotions. For them, a savvy and understanding woman can make the difference between an impotent future and a transition into another, less erection based kind of lovemaking.

Woman can Help Man Gain His Erection

While men are concern, you will be surprise our partner, women, are more obsess than men do. Here’s how women can help and participate together in gaining erection for her man.

Let It Go.

As just mentioned, if your man loses an erection during lovemaking, let it go. Unless he requests or indicates by his behavior that he wants you to perform fellatio or manually stimulate his penis to try to bring the erection back–don’t. Focusing on his limp penis probably won’t help and may hurt by intensifying his performance anxiety.

Love him.

Hold him. Kiss and stroke him, but ignore his penis. You don’t have to prove your desirability by bringing his penis back to erotic life.

Ask for oral sex or manual stimulation yourself.

That will take the focus off his penis and give him the opportunity to feel like a good lover. Be responsive to his ministrations. A woman’s arousal is very arousing to a man. It’s possible that he’ll regain his erection by losing himself in your excitement.

Don’t be solicitous.

Show your understanding by not fussing over him. If he’s feeling inadequate, don’t tell him his lack of erection isn’t important. A man who has been sexually humiliated doesn’t want his wife saying, “Don’t worry, darling, it doesn’t matter.”

Don’t blame yourself.

And don’t let him blame you. His erection problem may be physical or psychological. Even if it’s rooted in relationship conflict, you are not the “cause” of the problem. Sex is a cooperative effort. So is relating. After an erectile failure, however, is not the right time to analyze the relationship.

Regain sexual desire lost to illness, disability, aging.

Some men and couples will stop making love in response to these situations. As illness can cause the sufferer to withdraw oneself away, if you are the healthy one, do not take your partner’s withdrawal as personal rejection. Reach out and coax him back to you.

Give your partner and yourself a sensual treat everyday.

Take time to walk in the park and smell the flowers with him. Cook his favorite meal or filled your bedroom with soft music, silk pillow, crisp cotton bed sheets.

Impotence Cure

Maintain Erection

Once the husband and wife can mount with security, another specific male fear of performance will surface. Impotent men having achieved intromission successfully still have not satisfied their performance fears.

They immediately question whether the penis will retain sufficient rigidity for continuation of effective coital connection. These specific fears are easily obviated by once again contraindicating performance.

It is authoritatively suggested first that the female move slowly up and down on the shaft of the penis, which she can do with facility in the described positioning. She is to move backward and forward rather than sit down on the penis.

Regardless of her high levels of sexual demand, the wife should concentrate only on the concept of penile containment, without moving into the demanding type of pelvic thrusting that may have been her pattern in the past whenever opportunity presented.

Understandably, in past patterning, she has tried to take advantage of whatever degree of erection was available in attempting to satisfy her own sexual needs.

The cotherapists must explain before exposure to any coital opportunity that a demanding pattern of female pelvic thrusting is indeed threatening to any man with erective insecurity.

Sustain Erection

Demanding female participation in coital connection is immediately distracting to the impotent male, for his performance fears come flooding back.

Obvious female demand demonstrated at this time is devastating to maintenance of erection.

The husband fears that he will not be able to sustain an erection quality sufficient to satisfy his sexual partner. He worries about his response instead of enjoying the sensual pleasures of the moment.

His distraction leads to some loss of erection security.

Erection Anxiety

Once conscious of loss of any degree of the erection, the impotent man panics, forgetting immediately that by his own actions as a phantom spectator, he distracts himself from sensate input.

When he succumbs to this response pattern, the penis becomes flaccid in seconds, to the utter frustration of both sexual partners.

Both partners must learn that there is no time demand inherent in this female mounting technique. If the erection is satisfactory, intromission proceeds; if not, play is continued without pressure until a satisfactory erection does develop.

If erection does not develop
During a comfortable period of time with mutual play, there is never to be an attempt to force the issue. When by authoritative edict there is to be no forcing of the issue, erection usually is secured without difficulty.

After the wife has taken her turn at the sensate pleasure of feeling and thinking sexually while moving pelvically in a slow, non demanding manner on the penile shaft, it is suggested that she in turn remain quiet, and the husband is encouraged to thrust slowly, concentrating on the sensate pleasures to be derived from the feelings of vaginal constriction and warmth of containment, and the sensations engendered by his wife’s lubrication.

Foreplay and Fondle

His concept in participating in the slow pelvic thrusting should be one of giving and receiving sensate pleasure just as though he were stroking his wife’s back, rubbing her neck, or running his fingers through her hair.

In this warm way he is distracted from concerns of performance, and the biophysical and psychosocial stimulative input of sensate pleasure is encouraged. The sensual stimuli from his vaginal containment get through to him in a non-demanding manner.

His observation of his wife’s free, non demanding, coital cooperation frees him from any concept of pressuring from her and allows him to avail himself of the pleasure of her sensual response to his slow thrusting pattern.

With her specific coital positioning, he simultaneously can enjoy breast play and vaginal containment. Once he indulges himself in his sexual opportunities, the overwhelming sensual input tends to distract from any previous patterning of performance concern or spectator role. Again, he is not performing.

He is consciously pleasuring and being pleasured by intravaginal containment in a totally none demanding, yet warmly pleasant and sexually satisfying fashion.

On subsequent days both partners are encouraged to move to simultaneous pelvic pleasuring, feeling, thinking, and concentrating only on the sensations involved in this mutuality of their sexual stimulation.

There must not be concern for satisfying the wife or forcing ejaculation by the husband. When these end points of sexual functioning occur during coition, they should be by happenstance, involuntarily, naturally, and mutually rewarding, but never by direction.

Impotence Cure

Alternative Erection Treatment

The basic means of treating the sexually distraught marital relationship is, of course, to re-establish communication. The most effective means of encouraging communication is through a detailed presentation of information.

There must be a point of departure, a common meeting ground for the traumatized members of any sexually dysfunctional marriage.

How better to provide for mutuality of interest and understanding than to educate the distressed husband and wife to effective sexual functioning by dispelling their sexual misconceptions, misinformation, and taboos?

Erection Treatment

The couple progress in the educational program is by encouraging verbal communication. The details of the techniques necessary for the unit to reverse the sexual inadequacy are spelled out in finite detail during the approximately 10 days remaining for therapy after the roundtable discussion.

As sexual function improves
these techniques for biophysical release are held out as rewards to direct attention toward mutuality of interest and expression, while marital disharmony is attacked directly.

When there is obvious improvement in physical responsivity, the distressed unit members are only too eager to reestablish a firm, secure marital state. They are most attentive to the educational process, for they shortly come to realize that permanent reversal of the dysfunctional symptomatology relates directly to the health of the marriage.

When husband and wife visualize the results of their biophysical progression on a daily basis, they are intent upon providing the best possible psychosocial climate for continuing improvement once separated from direct professional control.

Obviously, the more stable the marriage the better the climate for effective sexual functions. Again, the marital relationship per se is under treatment at the Foundation, not its principals.

of the distractions of fears of performance and the spectator role, plus the necessity for duality of biophysical and psychosocial input from sexually stimulative activity, are conducted with both marital partners during the three days subsequent to the roundtable discussion.

The acceptance of the “performance” and “spectator” concepts moves the husband and wife well along the road to full appreciation of the mutuality of their involvement with the impotent state.

From a psychotherapeutic point of view, the next step is to suggest to both members of the husband and wife ways and means of avoiding the basic distractions of the spectator role and the fears of performance.

An effective way:
To prevent fears of performance is to state unequivocally to both husband and wife that as they attempt to follow therapeutic suggestion in the privacy of their bedroom there is no demand for good marks in their daily report on their degree of success in following the functional directions.

Authority is infinitely more interested in the distressed couple making its mistakes, describing them in joint sessions with the cotherapists, and absorbing information to correct them in the immediacy of a 24-hour period, than in providing a cheering section.

We tend to learn more from our mistakes than from our successes. The first step toward relief from fears of performance is to define the Foundation’s position that failures of function not only are expected but are anticipated as an integral part of the process of reorienting the sexually dysfunctional male.

Once the husband and wife fully accepts the concept that perfect report cards are not the order of the day, a major facet of concern for performance has been removed. The impotent male’s first reaction to functional suggestions is to attempt to force responsivity in order to satisfy presumed authoritative demand. When it is made exquisitely clear that there is no authoritative interest in a perfect performance, his sense of relief is indeed obvious.

Remaining fears for sexual function can be neutralized by the direction that there be no attempt at coital connection during the first few days of therapy.

Cotherapists should emphasize that there is concern whether or not the husband achieves an erection, for, even if he does, there should be no attempt by either husband or wife to take advantage of the erective state and move to ejaculation by either manipulative or coital opportunity. When any possibility of coital connection is obviated by authoritative direction, fears of performance disappear.

Erection Insecurity

At the termination of the roundtable discussion, the husband and wife contending with erective insecurity move directly into a discussion of and application of sensate-focus material. At this stage of treatment, any direct approach to the male pelvis, female breast, and female pelvis is contraindicated.

The husband and wife relax from their prior anxious concepts of specific or demanding sexual functioning and, possibly for the first time, devotes total concentration through sensate focus toward pleasuring one another.

Quiet, non-demanding stroking of the back, the face, the arms, the legs, provides an opportunity to give and to receive sensate pleasure, but, of far greater importance, opportunity to think and to feel sexy without the orientation to performance.

Incompetent Male

Previously, the incompetent male, frozen into his demand for erective security, has blocked sensate input either primarily, from his wife’s direct physical approach or secondarily, from his effective elevation of her sexual tensions.

With sexual performance not only contraindicated but denied, the husband is quite free to receive sensate input from both direct and indirect sources, since his block to sensate pleasure (fear of performance) has been removed by authoritative interdiction of coital opportunity,

At this time the cotherapists describe in detail the concept of the dual systems of influence operant at all times in perception and interpretation of sexual stimuli.

It is explained that the two systems of influence, the biophysical and the psychosocial structures, produce varying degrees of positive or negative input during opportunities for sexual expression. It is emphasized that these two systems operate in an interdigital manner, although without compulsion for mutual support.

Once the couple accepts this working formula, sensate input can be comprehended. With comprehension come attitudinal receptivity and the potential for sensate pleasure.