Penis Health

Ejaculation Incompetence

The process of Ejaculation
Have you ever wonders how the whitish or cloudy fluid shoots out from the penis? Well, not all of us attended biology class, right? Here’s simply how; the sperm is produced by the testes, once formed, it will move into the epididymis and keep store until sexual activity. Only when the penis is stimulated during sexual activity, the process of ejaculation starts to take place (imagine as if you’re engaging the gear of your vehicle…)

Emission is the first stage and it is the contraction of the epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate that let the seminal fluid enter the urethra. The penis excited and aroused, with the rhythmic contractions of the pelvic muscles, produces the orgasm and is ready to ‘erupt’! Coincidentally, the second stage of ejaculation is the eruption of the semen out of the urethra.

After the orgasm and volcanic eruption of the penis, the erection usually returned to its flaccid state. The penis went into rest and reproduction period. Hence, is difficult to have another erection or ejaculation again in a short time.

Premature Ejaculation
It is extremely difficult to define the syndrome of premature ejaculation. Most definitions refer specifically to the duration of intra-vaginal containment of the penis or a man who cannot control his ejaculatory process for at least the first 3 seconds after penetration. In 1981, the Hite Report on Male Sexuality was based on a survey of over 7000 men and found that 2% of these men ejaculated within 60 seconds of penetration. While another 62% ejaculated within 5 minutes. Only one in six men lasted for over five minutes after penetration, and only one in ten lasted over ten minutes. The report also showed that there is no difference between races, circumcised men and non-circumcised men.

Most men say that they would like to sustain their erection long enough to satisfy their partner. More than 30% of men suffer severe premature ejaculation and almost all men will occasionally ejaculate very quickly. Any man who says it has never occurred to him is probably either a virgin or a liar.

What causes Premature Ejaculation

Some men thought it is a question of ‘time’, but rather it should be a question of ‘control’. The big head should be controlling the small head rather than the other way around. Premature ejaculation has a physical and a psychological cause. The physical cause has to do with the nerve supply to the skin of the penis. These nerves are very sensitive. If this sensitivity is too great, very little contact is needed to bring on ejaculation. This sensitivity can actually be measured by using a machine called a biosthesiometer. This machine gives off very small vibrations that can be measured in amplitude. If your penis can pick up very low amplitude vibrations, then the penis is regarded as being highly sensitive.

On the contrary, 3 to 60 seconds of intra-vaginal containment is quite sufficient to satisfy a woman, if she has been highly excited during sex play and is fully ready for orgasmic release with the initial thrusts of the penis. However, during most coital opportunity, the same woman may require variably longer periods of penile containment before attaining full release of sexual tension.

In the majority of men with premature ejaculation, the origin is psychological. It most happened during the first sexual encounter. An enormous pressure to perform is placed on the shoulders of a poor young man who is about to embark on his first important task. Before he knew it, ejaculation has occurred. At times, he is not in the right place and time.

This feeling of inadequacy to perform will hover around him for a while. Subsequent experiences are marred by the memory of this humiliating failure. This self-imposed pressure of performance gets greater every time he faces sex. With the repeatable bad experiences, the more he thinks about it the worse it gets. Before he knows it, it has become a permanent problem in his lovemaking. This may lead to feeling inadequate, inferior, and frustrated. Some men go their whole lives never really experiencing control of their ejaculation.

The complainant usually the partner instead of showing concern, rolls her eyes up in disappointment. If the male ejaculates regularly during mounting sex play or during attempts at mounting or even with the first few thrusts, there rarely is opportunity for effective female sexual expression. Time and again women’s sexual tensions are elevated by fore play or sex play, further aroused by the additional stimulation of the penetration process, only to be confronted with almost instantaneous ejaculation and subsequent loss of penile erection. This will result in high level of female frustration. Particularly when this male response pattern is repeated routinely time after time.

Some men have premature ejaculation and were fortunate enough to have sex. Subsequently after ejaculation, they could sometimes pretend nothing had happened. That is, after ejaculating, the thrusting still continues until the partner looked satisfied or until next possible ejaculation again.

Premature Ejaculation is Good at times

Rapidity of ejaculation is not considered a sexual hazard, in fact it may provide welcome relief for the woman accepting and fulfilling a role as a sexual object without exposure to or personal belief in the concept of parity between the sexes in the privileges and the pleasures of sexual functioning. Rapid release from sexual service frequently is accepted as a blessing by women living in the restrictive levels of this sub-culture’s inherent double standard.

Ejaculation Incompetence in Aging Male

The Aging Effect
The alteration of sexual patterning is probably the most important psycho physiological in midlife especially 50 to 70 year period. It is also the male’s loss of high levels of ejaculatory demand. So many men in the older age groups consider them old fart and are too old to function sexually, yet cannot explain how they have arrived at this conclusion.

As age rises, he not only enjoys an unexpected increase in ejaculatory control but also at the same time has a definite reduction in ejaculatory demand. Example, if a 60 plus years old man has intercourse on an average of once or twice a week, his own specific drive to ejaculate might be of major moment every second or third time there is coital connection. This level of innate demand does not imply that the man cannot or does not ejaculate more frequently. He can force himself or be forced by the partner to ejaculate more frequently, but if left to resolve his own individual demand level he may find that an ejaculatory experience every second or third coital connection is completely satisfying personally. Explicitly his own subjective level of ejaculatory demand does not keep pace with the frequency of his physiological ability to achieve an erection or to maintain this erection with full pleasure on an indefinite basis.

This reduction of ejaculatory demand for the aging male is the entire basis for effective prolongation of sexual functioning in the aging population. If an aging man does not ejaculate, he can return to erection rapidly after prior loss of erective security through distraction or female satiation.

The older man can easily achieve and sustain an erection if there is no ejaculatory threat in the immediate offing. The unreformed partner poses an ejaculatory threat. She believes that she has not accomplished her purpose unless her sex partner ejaculates. How many women in our culture feel they have fulfilled the feminine role if their partner has not ejaculated? Whether he likes it or needs it, she must be a good sexual partner–“We all know man needs to ejaculate every time he has intercourse”–so goes the phrase.

If the male is confident on his own sexual demand schedule and to have intercourse as it fits both sexual partners’ interest levels. An average but reasonably healthy couple will be capable of performing sex even at the age of 80 year!


The best results from this treatment are achieved when the exercises are done with a partner working with you and supporting your efforts. However, this treatment can be also being accomplished on your own without a partner. It can be done even if you are not yet in a relationship. This last approach is important because many men avoid forming a sexual relationship because of this problem. The treatments are divided into masturbation exercises and exercises with intercourse. Masturbation exercises Ninety-seven per cent of men masturbate. What most men are unaware of is that the way that they masturbate may have a dramatic effect on the way they perform sexually.

Points to ponder: “Where do you think is the most sensitive part of your body when you’re masturbating?” Your answer might be the glans of your penis, or knob or tip of the penis, is regarded as being the most sensitive part while masturbating, right?

Well, not exactly true. Some men felt the most sensitive parts of their body while masturbating are the ears. How true this is? Masturbation is an activity that boys and men choose to do privately. It is not a subject for open discussion though it may be a daily routine during teenage. It serves as a release for sexual fantasies. However, society frowns on this activity for reasons hard to understand, so it is imperative that one is not caught in the act. This is a cause for anxiety.

As you get older, masturbation is important as a sexual release. The quicker this release can be achieved, the less chance there is of being caught. This may result in the development or a mindset of rapid ejaculation that is difficult to change. Unfortunately, this mindset may cause rapid ejaculation at the first opportunity for intercourse. We are not prepared or trained in controlling ejaculation.

These exercises should be practiced two to three times a week. If you don’t have the privacy you need, the bath or the shower may be the best option. While performing these exercises, don’t fantasize and don’t use erotic magazines or videos. The basic idea is to keep a good firm erection for 5 to 10 minutes without ejaculating. Here are the steps:

  1. Start by masturbating slower than usual.
  2. While masturbating, focus on the sexual sensations that you are getting and concentrate on the sensations in your penis as your sexual arousal increases.
  3. If your excitement level rises close to the point of no return that is ejaculation is about to blow, STOP.
  4. Rest for a few seconds and let the excitement level fall again.