Herbal Info

Cistanche, Important Sex Tonic

Cistanches are a tonic herb harvested in the desert regions in Mongolia and northern China. In traditional Chinese medicine, Cistanches treat impotence and premature ejaculation, replenish blood, and strengthen kidney functions. Reports are showing that Cistanches lowers blood pressure and increases lean body tissues.

In China, Cistanches is one of the more popular and potent Yang tonic herbs, found in numerous formulas intended to strengthen sexual function, treat impotence, and strengthen the back and knees. In China, it is widely reported that men who take Cistanches experience noticeable increases in sexual prowess.

Ancient sexual classics claimed that consistent consumption of Cistanches would enlarge the penis. It is also said to make the penis much harder during erection. Cistanches is now known to contain alkaloids that increase blood circulation to the pelvic region in general and the genitals in particular

Youthfulness is very much associated with sexual vigour, whether or not one uses this sexual vigour sexually, or converts the energy to other creative outlets. When the Kidney Yin and Yang are strong, a person can flourish. They will be full of energy, high in spirit, creative, and strong minded. They will appear radiantly healthy to others and will be attractive to the opposite sex.




Vitroman Cistanches is made of Chinese traditional medicine – Cistanches, Horny Goat Weed, Oyster, and Peruvian Maca. It helps to reinforce the vital function of the kidney, especially the sexual organs. Cistanches is one of the more popular and potent Yang tonic herbs known to treat erecetile dyfunction. It is widely reported that men who took Cistanches experience notible increases in their sexual prowess. In addition, the herb is also used in treatment of soreness and pain of lumbar and knees.


  • Tonify the kidneys.
  • Improve immunity.
  • Prevent premature ejaculation.
  • Enhance blood circulation, vitality, and stamina.
  • Strengthen sexual function.