Men's Health

Penis Irritations

Many men complain:
Burning, itching, and irritation after coital connection with women contending with chronic or acute vaginal infections.

Not infrequently small blisters appear on the glans penis, particularly around the urethral outlet. If there are any abrasions on either the glans or shaft of the penis, secondary infection can occur in these local sites.

Irritative Penile Reaction

The same type of irritative penile reaction may develop from exposure to a non infectious vaginal environment as a response to the chemicals in contraceptive creams, jellies, foams, etc.

It may not be the female that responds in a sensitive manner to an intravaginal chemical contraceptive agent but rather her male partner. Sensitivity to intravaginal chemical contraceptives is seen quite frequently in the male and, if symptoms develop, contraceptive technique should be changed.

The same sort of irritative penile reaction can be elicited by a repetitive pattern of vaginal douching.

There are some douche preparations to which not the female but the male partner becomes sensitive.

Not infrequently, vesicles form on the glans penis. If these blisters rupture, the raw areas on the glans are quite painful, particularly during sexual connection.


In the actual process of ejaculation there are many situations that return painful stimuli to the involved male. If the individual has had gonorrhea there may be strictures (adhesions) throughout the length of the penile urethra, and attempts to urinate and/or to ejaculate may cause severe pain spreading throughout the penile urethra and radiating to the bladder and prostate.

Infection in the Bladder, Prostate, or the Seminal Vesicles

There may be the sensation of intense burning during and particularly in the first few minutes after ejaculation. Particularly if the offending agent has been the gonococcus, the pain with ejaculation sometimes is exquisite. Immediate medical attention should be given to any complaint of burning or itching during or immediately after the ejaculatory process.

Prostate and Ejaculation

There is a spastic reaction of the prostate gland seen in older men during the stage of ejaculatory inevitability. In this situation the prostate contracts spastically rather than in its regularly recurring contractile pattern, and the return can be one of very real pelvic pain and/or aching radiating to the inner aspects of the thighs or into the bladder and occasionally to the rectum.

This pathologic spastic contraction pattern can be treated effectively by providing a minimal amount of testosterone replacement therapy.

Care should be taken to evaluate the possibility of concurrent infection in the prostate. Occasionally, chronic prostatitis has caused significant degrees of pain during an ejaculatory process.

As a point in differential diagnosis, the painful response with prostatic infection is with the second, not the first, stage of the orgasmic experience, while that of prostatic spasm has just the reverse sequence. Careful questioning usually will establish specifically the timing in onset of the painful response and thus suggest a more definitive diagnosis.


Benign hypertrophy of the prostate gland primarily and carcinoma of the prostate rarely may be responsible for onset of pain with the ejaculatory process. The pain is secondary (acquired) in character and radiates to bladder and rectum.

Usually confined to older age groups, onset of this type of dyspareunia should be investigated immediately by competent authority. This review of the major causes of dyspareunia has been primarily directed toward the female partner, for from her come by far the greater number of complaints of painful coital connection.

However, male dyspareunia no longer should be ignored by the medical and behavioral literature. The review of the etiology of male dyspareunia has not been exhaustive, nor is it within the province of this text to do so.

In concept, the entire chapter has been designed to suggest to cotherapists, faced daily with a myriad of problems focusing upon both male and female sexual dysfunction, that there are physiological as well as psychological causes for sexual inadequacy.

Combined pelvic and rectal examinations for the female and rectal examination for the male partner are a routine part of the total physical examination provided for both members of any marital unit referred to the Foundation for treatment of sexual dysfunction.

To attempt to define and to treat the basic elements of sexual dysfunction for either sex without including the opportunity for thorough physical examination and complete laboratory evaluations as an integral part of the patient’s diagnostic and therapeutic program is to do the individual and the marital unit a clinical disservice.

Men's Health

Penis Foreskin

Painful Coition Is Not Limited to Women.

Many men are distracted from and even denied effective sexual functioning by painful stimuli occasioned during or after sexual functioning.

The symptoms will be described in relation to the anatomical site of pain, the external anatomy, such as the surface of the penis and the scrotal sac, or the internal anatomy, such as the penile urethra, the prostate, or the bladder.

No attempt will be made to provide definitive discussion for the varieties of male-oriented dyspareunia. Situations are mentioned only to emphasize their existence and to provide the therapist with an awareness of the fact that, in truth, there are badly mated men.

Penis Exterior Anatomy

Many men complain of severe sensitivity of the glans penis, not only to touch but to any form of containment, including intravaginal retention, immediately after ejaculation. This severity of glans pain recalls the intensely painful response that may be elicited from the clitoral glans when it is approached during forceful male manipulative attempts to incite sex-tension increment for his female partner.

Once a man is fully aware that immediately after his ejaculatory episode there may be exquisite tenderness of the glans, he realizes that he must immediately withdraw from intravaginal containment.

Generally there is marked variation in the severity of the individual response pattern. Men noting variation in the severity of glans pain have no pre-ejaculatory warning of the intensity of the particular response pattern, which may range from minor irritation with containment to crippling pain with the slightest touch.

The glans
Occasionally is irritated rather than protected, as might be presumed, by a retained foreskin. Two men have been referred to the Foundation complaining that relief from painful stimuli immediately after ejaculation can be obtained only by retracting the foreskin well back over the glans and in this fashion relieving the irritation of glans confinement.

There are occasional irritative responses created by the retained foreskin of uncircumcised men. In almost all instances these irritative responses have to do with lack of effective hygienic habits.

Primarily, smegma and, secondarily, various bacterial, trichomonal, or fungal infections sometimes collect beneath the foreskin. If the foreskin is not retracted regularly and the area washed with soap and water, chronic irritation can easily develop.

With chronic irritation or even frank infection present, there usually will be pain with coital thrusting or with any form of penile containment. In almost all instances the dyspareunia responds readily to adequate cleansing principles.


A tightness or constriction of the orifice of the prepuce, clinically is marked by a foreskin that cannot be retracted over the glans penis. With an excessively constrained foreskin, infection is almost always present to at least a minor degree, and penile irritation is a consistent factor for men so afflicted.

Adhesions frequently develop between the foreskin and the glans proper so that there is no freedom of movement between the two structures.

Engorgement of the penis with sex-tension increment may bring pressure to bear on the foreskin constraint of the glans. Without freedom of foreskin movement, this constriction frequently causes local pain with penile erective engorgement. When any male is diagnosed as having a degree of clinical phimosis sufficient for chronically recurrent infectious processes and/or pain or irritation with coital connection, circumcision certainly is in order.

There are also occasional men with a true hypersensitivity of the penile glans. These men are almost constantly irritated by underclothes or by body contact. They are continually aware of a multiplicity of irritants and are particularly susceptible to trauma to the glans.

One man referred for consideration found glans constraint in the vaginal environment intolerable. There was a constant blistering and peeling of the superficial tissues of the glans surface.

Despite a history of numerous changes in sexual partners, the postcoital results were identical. This individual simply could not tolerate the natural pH levels of the vagina. Since the reaction was confined to the glans area and never involved the penile shaft, there is room for presumption that if he had not been circumcised routinely, he might not have been so handicapped.

Protective coating of the glans area precoitally resolved his problem but was a nuisance factor for him and possibly for his sexual partners.

There are occasional instances of referred pain from the posterior urethra (usually occasioned by posterior urethritis) that produce pain in the glans penis. Very rarely, this type of glans pain is a factor in coition.

Men's Health

Male Sex Distress

Among the most distressing of the many factors in dyspareunia are the complaints of burning, itching, or aching in the vagina during or after intercourse. The existence of chronic vaginal irritation frequently robs women of their full freedom of sexual expresssion, for they are well aware that any specific coital connection may be severely irritative rather than highly stimulative.

Presuming adequate production of vaginal lubrication, rarely, if ever, does a woman complain of burning, itching, or aching during coition or describe these symptoms immediately after or even in a delayed postcoital time sequence without concomitant evidence of established pathology in the vaginal barrel.

This form of dyspareunia registered as a complaint by the female partner should have an important connotation to the cotherapist. This specific response pattern is not described by women who are subjectively impelled to register an excuse to avoid impending or threatened coital connection.

When women use the complaint of pain to avoid or delay the necessity for submitting to psycho genically unappealing coital experience, their most frequent complaint is one of severe pain with penile thrusting, “a hurting” deep in the pelvis.

When considering the complaints of burning, itching, or aching in the vagina, initially clinical concern is focused on infectious vaginal invaders. The primary sources of vaginal infection are coition and rectal contamination; secondary sources are manual contact, clothing material, insertion of foreign material, and functional disuse.

Support of and control of the acidity of the vaginal environment is the fundamental means of protection against the bacterial pathogens that can create symptoms of burning, itching or aching. The vagina naturally maintains a strongly acid environment as a protective mechanism against all forms of infectious invasion.

With an experimentally controlled environment, vaginal acidity has been established as varying clinically from pH 3.5 to pH 4.0. Thus, there is a rather wide margin for error in vaginal protection against concurrent infectious agents, for acidity must be sufficiently neutralized to raise the pH level to five or above, before bacterial invaders can flourish freely in the vaginal environment.

The one time that natural vaginal protection against infection breaks down is during the period of established menstrual flow. For many women vaginal acidity consistently registers in the neighborhood of pH 5 or above during menstrual flow, particularly if vaginal tampons are employed.

The neutralizing effect of blood serum constrained to the vaginal tract by retentive tampons directs vaginal acidity into pH 5 levels routinely. It is not surprising, then, that most vaginal infections either have clinical onset or flourish during menstrual flow.


The infective organisms most constantly encountered in vaginal infections, yet trichomonal and fungal forms of infection are seen frequently enough to provide additional causes for clinical concern. Probably the most persistent vaginal-tract invader in any woman’s lifespan are the coliform organisms (Strepto coccus faecalis, Escherichia coli, and the type of Streptococcus viridans), which are the basic contaminants of bowel environment.

From the point of view of patterns of sexual functioning alone, a persistent vaginitis, from which pathogenic organisms repeatedly are cultured in the adult, sexually functioning woman, should always make the therapist question the possibility of occasions of rectal intercourse.

A popular technique employed during rectal intercourse includes the expected format of initial rectal penetration during the excitement phase and repetitive thrusting during the plateau phase of the male sexual response cycle.

Infected Penis

But many men withdraw from the rectum and plunge the bacterially contaminated penis into the vaginal barrel just before or during the stage of ejaculatory inevitability, terminating the orgasmic phase of their sexual cycle by ejaculating intravaginally. Recurrent coliform vaginal infections that are resistant to treatment may have origin in this coital technique.

When rectal intercourse is practiced, the ejaculatory episode should be confined to the lumen of the bowel. There should never be penetration of both rectal and vaginal orifices during any single coital episode, if the woman wishes protection against the probability of recurrent vaginal infections.

If coliform vaginitis persists despite both adequate treatment and patient denial of rectal intercourse, a direct rectal examination frequently will solve the therapist’s diagnostic dilemma. If a woman is experiencing rectal intercourse with some regularity, there may be a specific involuntary reaction of the sphincter to the rectal examination.

When the examining finger is inserted, the response of the rectal sphincter at first will be one of slight to moderate spasm, following the expected reactive pattern of most men or women undergoing routine rectal examinations. But if the examining finger is retained rectally for a few seconds, the sphincter may relax quite rapidly in a completely involuntary manner, as opposed to the routine response pattern of continuing in spastic contraction for the duration of the examination.

If involuntary sphincter relaxation develops, this response pattern, while certainly not reliably diagnostic, should make the cotherapist skeptical of the patient’s denial of rectal coital episodes.

The involuntary sphincter relaxation develops because the retained examining finger stimulates a pleasurable response for those women enjoying regularity of rectal coital exposure as opposed to those finding rectal examinations subjectively objectionable and objectively painful.

Clinical note:
The same type of involuntary sphincter relaxation may develop in male homosexuals whose preferred pattern of sexual expression includes interest in regularity of rectal penetration. Again, the involuntary sphincter response pattern has been used by the Foundation’s professional staff as a clinical diagnostic aid when dealing with homosexual male patients employing the rectum as the means of providing ejaculatory release for sexual partner or partners.

When the cotherapist can be reasonably certain by both history and examination of some regularity of rectal intercourse, techniques to avoid vaginal contamination with fecal material should be discussed at length with the women involved.

Although the basic premise of the clinical advice is to avoid recurrent episodes of coliform vaginitis if possible, there is an accrued secondary effect of reducing dyspareunia during occasions of intravaginal coitus.

Uncircumcised Penis

When trichomonal vaginitis is suggested by direct inspection of the vaginal barrel and confirmed by adequately stained vaginal smear or hanging-drop preparation of the vaginal discharge, which may be profuse and irritating.

The husband also should be suspected of harboring the trichomonads, possibly beneath the foreskin if he is uncircumcised, but more frequently in the prostate gland, the seminal vesicles, or the urinary bladder.

If both husband and wife are not treated simultaneously for this particular distress, the infection may become a source of chronic dyspareunia, as it may be exchanged frequently between marital partners during repeated opportunity at coital connection.

It does little good to treat the wife for trichomonal vaginitis and then have her reinfected by her husband. And it obviously does little good to treat the husband individually and have him reinfected by his wife. With chronic trichomonal vaginitis there may be recurrent bouts of dyspareunia, particularly with coital connection of any significant duration.

Fungal vaginitis is seen clinically more and more frequently. Incidence of this particular infectious entity used to be primarily confined to the late spring, summer, and early fall months, but now such pathogens as Monilia and Candida albicans are encountered regularly throughout the year.

Chronic fungal infection creates a debilitating situation for the recipient woman. Burning and itching is intense and swelling and weeping of soft tissues are frequent complications. Coital connection is virtually impossible due to the pain involved when a fungal infection dominates in the vaginal environment.

Infections with antibiotics frequently will protect women from the complications of fungal vaginitis.

Men's Health

Penile Chordee or Curved Penis

Curve Penis

A disease produced by induration and fibrosis of the corpora cavernosa of the penis and evidenced as an upward bowing of the penis, plus a gradually increasing angulation to the right or left of the midline, makes coital connection somewhat difficult, and in advanced stages coition is virtually impossible.

There also may be pain attached to attempts at coital connection due to the unusual angulation of the penis creating resultant penile shaft strain, both with inserting and with thrusting experience.

Penile Chordee or Curved Penis

It is seen rarely in situations of penile trauma and only occasionally with neglected gonorrheal urethritis. Consultation has been requested by four men with severe penile chordee as a post traumatic residual.

In two instances the fully erect penis was struck sharply by an angry female partner. The remaining two men each described severe pain with a specific coital experience. During uninhibitedly responsive coital connection with the female partner in a superior position, the penis was lost to the vaginal barrel. In each case, the women tried to remount rapidly by sitting down firmly on the shaft of the penis.

The vaginal orifice was missed in the hurried insertive attempt and the full weight of the woman’s body sustained by the erect penis.

Each of the four men gave the remarkable verbal description that he felt or heard something snap. Shortly thereafter an obvious hematoma appeared on the anterior or posterior wall or lateral walls of the penile shaft.

Over a period of weeks, as the local hemorrhage was absorbed, fibrous adhesions developed and, with subsequent scar formation, there slowly developed a downward bowing and (in three cases) mild angulation of the penis.

Urologists state that due to the type of tissue involved in the penile trauma, there is little to offer in the way of clinical reprieve for men afflicted with these embarrassing erective angulations, Peyronie’s disease or chordee.

Attempts at surgical correction currently are of relatively little value and not infrequently make the situation worse. Any of these situations create responses of pain and tenderness during both masturbation and coital connection.

It always should be borne in mind that the erect penis can be traumatized by a sudden blow, by rapidly shifting coital position, by applying sudden angulation strain to the shaft, or from violent coital activity that places sudden weight or sudden pressure on the fully erect penis. The unfortunate residuals of such trauma have been described above.

Direct trauma of the penis occasioned by major accidents, war injuries, or direct physical attack sometimes requires that treatment for sexual dysfunction be patterned to include marked variation in the anatomical structuring of the penis. In anatomical deformity of the penis, the complaint of dyspareunia can be raised by either the male or female sexual partner.

Testicular Pain

Usually of the dull, aching variety, develops for some men who spend a significant amount of time in sexual play or in reading pornographic literature, concurrently maintaining erections for lengthy periods of time without ejaculating within the immediate present.

Frequent returns to excitement or even plateau-phase levels of sexual stimulation without ejaculatory relief of the accompanying testicular vasocongestion can cause an aching in either or both testes, particularly in younger men. Relief is immediate with ejaculation, which disperses the superficial and deep vasocongestion and returns the testicles to their normal size.

No permanent damage is occasioned by maintaining chronic testicular congestion for a period of days. Men with this syndrome of testicular pain occasioned by long-maintained sexual tension are in the minority.

Usually, the syndrome of involuntary testicular pain is relieved somewhat as the man ages.

There are painful reactions that develop during or shortly after coital connection that particularly reflect the influence of the vaginal environment. These situations are mentioned only in passing, but the therapist should keep in mind the fact that the basic pathology involved rests within the vaginal environment.

Men's Health

Condoms Allergies

Condoms Allergies

Aside from direct infective agents, there are many other sources of burning, itching, or aching in the vaginal barrel that can produce chronic dyspareunia. Among those most frequently encountered are the sensitivity reactions associated with intravaginal chemical contraceptive materials.

Many women develop vaginal sensitivity to chemical factors included in contraceptive creams, jellies, suppositories, foams, or foam tablets. When persistent itching or burning is intense enough to engender the symptoms of dyspareunia during or shortly after intercourse, and when any of these above-mentioned intravaginal chemical contraceptive agents are employed routinely during coital connection, the possibility of sensitivity to the chemical agents should always be kept in mind.

There also are occasional irritations created by the rubber used in manufacturing both diaphragms and condoms. In a few women the response of the vaginal mucosa to latex products is quite irritative in character.

When these contraceptive techniques are employed with regularity and a chronic non infectious irritation in the vagina causes obviously increasing dyspareunia, sensitivity to rubber products should be suspected. The sensitivity to rubber is quite infrequent but must be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of non infectious, irritative, vaginal dyspareunia.

Agents frequently most often responsible for making the vaginal mucosa sensitive to infective processes and emphasizing the potential irritation of maintained penile thrusting are the various douching preparations.

Many women feel they must douche after every coital exposure to maintain cleanliness. This is one of the most persistent and widespread misconceptions in the folklore of human sexual functioning. From a cleanliness point of view, there is not the slightest need for douching after intercourse.

The vagina returns to its natural protective pH value within 6 to 8 hours after seminal-fluid deposition. Repeated douching usually accomplishes only the untoward result of washing protective levels of residual acidity from the vagina.

Thereafter, secondary infection frequently develops from the elevated levels of pH usually found in the post-douching vaginal environment. Additionally, proprietary products used in douching can create a reactive, chemical-type vaginitis of the same pattern as that stimulated by intravaginal chemical contraceptives.

Esthetically concerned women should be reassured by authority that the simple expedient of external washing with soap and water is all that is necessary to maintain security from post ejaculatory drainage and to avoid any suggestion of post coital odor.

Forceful Penile Thrusting

There is another type of chronic vaginal irritation that should be highlighted. It frequently is seen associated with clinical complaints of dyspareunia and is described as senile vaginitis. Older women not supported by steroid protection techniques develop thin, atrophic mucosal surfaces in the vagina.

These tissue-paper-thin areas crack and bleed easily under duress of forceful or maintained penile thrusting. Many women in the 50 to 70 year age group complain of vaginal burning and irritation not only during but even for hours and occasionally days after coital exposure due to the atrophic condition of the mucosal lining of the vagina.

Sex Steroid

Aging women can be fully protected from these distressing symptoms by initiation of adequate sex steroid support. Although seen infrequently, yet in the same physiological category as senile vaginitis, is radiation reaction in the vagina. After local radiation for carcinoma, the vaginal barrel shrinks, the mucosa becomes atrophic, and dyspareunia usually develops not only from the atrophic mucosa but also on the basis of loss of vaginal wall elasticity and marked reduction of lubrication production.

Women's Health

Know About Breast Changes

Most women have changes in their breasts during their lifetime. Many of these changes are caused by hormones. For example, your breasts may feel more lumpy or tender at different times in your menstrual cycle. Other breast changes can be caused by the normal aging process.

Breast shape and appearance change as a woman ages. In the young woman, the breast skin is stretched and expanded by the developing breasts. The breast in the adolescent is usually hemispherical, rounded, and equally full in all areas. As a woman gets older, the top side of the breast tissue settles to a lower position.

Some women have a large amount of breast fat and/or breast tissue and thus have large breasts. Others have a smaller, but normal amounts of breast tissue with little or less breast fat and thus have small breasts. Other factors are weight loss, pregnancy, or menopause which many women experience a decrease in breast size and volume.

The size of a woman’s breasts often influences whether they will sag. The larger the breasts, the more likely they are to succumb to the constant force of gravity. This sagging appearance often accompanies the aging process, particularly the breast size decreases.

Puberty Breast

The beginning of female puberty starts the release of oestrogen and combination with progesterone when the ovaries functionally mature. It causes especially the breasts to undergo dramatic changes which culminate in the fully mature form. This process on average takes 3 to 4 years and is usually complete by age 16 or 18.

Pregnancy Breast

Breast size does not affect the ability to nurse babies and children. Since all women have a similar amount of glandular breast tissue, the breasts will respond appropriately for lactation no matter what their sizes are.)

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman’s breasts undergo many changes. In fact, they may be one of the first signs that indicate she is pregnant. Usually, around six to eight weeks of pregnancy, the breasts may become noticeably larger as the fat layer of your breasts is thickening and the number of milk glands is increasing. The hormones responsible for breast development during pregnancy are estrogen and progesterone.

With the growth of the breasts during pregnancy, the blood supply increases, and the veins close to the surface become larger and noticeable. The breasts may be firm, tender, and sensitive to touch (actually, pregnancy results in breast enlargement). The nipples may project out more and the areola area darkens in color as well.

By the third month of pregnancy, the breasts may begin to produce colostrums. It is a watery substance full of proteins, minerals, and antibodies that has many benefits to a newborn.

Throughout pregnancy, the breasts are developing so that by the time the woman delivers, her body is prepared to fully sustain her baby. The reduction of hormonal levels is also responsible for the breast’s return to its pre-pregnant state after breastfeeding is concluded.

Sagging Breast

“If I breastfeed, will my breasts sag?” or “I have papaya’s breasts”? The answer is breastfeeding will not cause breast sagging whether a woman breastfeeds or not. While some women are happy over fuller breasts gained in pregnancy, there are some who wished their breasts were smaller.

The extra weight gained in the breasts (pregnant) or natural big breast women, the ligaments that hold up the heavy breast stretches and become elastic thus the breasts appear droopy and saggy. Because of natural aging, the breast skin and breast tissue lose their hydration and elasticity. The body will also slow down the capability to absorb hence missing the nutrients that the breasts and body needed.

Breast Change After Menopause

When a woman reaches menopause, most experience in her late 40s or early 50s, the female hormone level will decrease (stops producing female hormone) and the breast undergoes regression, in which, the milk glands and ducts become smaller and are replaced by fibrous and fat tissue. The loss of these hormones causes a variety of symptoms; mood changes, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, and difficulty sleeping.

During this period, the breasts also undergo changes. The breast glandular tissue, which has been kept firm (the glands that produce milk), shrinks after menopause and is replaced with fatty tissue. The breasts also tend to increase in size and sag because the fibrous (connective) tissue loses its strength.

Breast Shape

Each woman’s breasts are shaped differently. Individual breast appearance is influenced by age, genetics, weight, health, the volume of a woman’s breast tissue, the quality and elasticity of her breast skin, and the influence of breast hormones.

Breast Skin influences breast shape

The breast skin is the exterior layer of the breast that we touch and feel. The skin quality contributes to the outlook of the breasts and their shape. Even though breast skin contains special elastic fibers, there is much natural variation in the amount of elasticity and thickness of each woman’s breast skin.

Women who have thicker skin have considerable elasticity. Their breasts tend to be tighter and firmer longer than women with thinner skin and less elasticity. The thin breast skin may even develop stretch marks, from a lack of skin elasticity.

Because of the natural aging in humans, the skin and tissue lose hydration and elasticity, the body slowed down the capability to absorb hence missing the nutrients that the breasts and body needed. The breast skin stretches and the shape of the breast changes.

If the skin does not have sufficient elasticity, the breasts also can appear to droop or sag. Similar to after birth and menopausal, the reduction in glandular volume and composition of the breast changes can result in further looseness of the breast skin.

Women's Health

Measurement & Bra

Make sure the tape measure is straight when you go around.

Breast Frame

The breast frame is the diameter around your chest just below your breasts. Using a tape measure, measure around your ribcage directly under your breasts. With the measurement, numbers add 5 to it. For example, if your frame measured 26 inches, when you add 5 to this you get 31 inches. You should round up to the nearest even number which is 32 inches. And since bras only come in even numbers, this will be your bra size, 32 inches!

Breast Size

The next measurement you need to take with the tape is breast size. Go around the chest over and include the fullest part of your bust (usually at the level of the nipples). This is the diameter of your chest plus your breast.

Breast Cup

To obtain the breast cup size, simply subtract Breast Frame from Breast Size (breast size – breast frame = breast cup).

The Bra Element

Is your bra the right size for you?

Besides support from mature nature, we also need material support for our breasts against the force of gravity. Over 80% of women do not know they are wearing the wrong size bra. Either too tight or too loose, too high or low, wrong cup size or old comfortable bras but doesn’t support breast, and so on. Our bust size changes with age, time, and weight fluctuations. Once in a while, we should also follow up with our measurements. If you are not sure, do not worry. Just visit the lingerie department and ask for sales assistance. Most big malls have friendly salesgirls to offer advice.

Are you wearing the bra correctly?

Tell signs that your bra is not right for you:

  1. Your breasts are drooping or looking generally out of shape when you put on the bra.
  2. Breasts pushed over the top of the cup.
  3. Red marks on your shoulders, breasts, or back caused by your ill-fitted bra or bra straps.
  4. The Center of your bra does not touch the breastbone.
  5. Any or all of these signs could tell that you are wearing the wrong bra size and that’s not only uncomfortable. Over time, it may distort the shape of your breasts and cause a variety of health problems, from headaches to backaches and even migraines.

Did you put on a bra correctly?

This may seem silly to women who have been putting on bras for years but there is indeed a proper way to do it. We recommend that you try the following steps when putting on your bra:

Slip your hands through the bra straps over your shoulders, lean and bend forward from the waist to allow your breasts to fall into the cups of the bra. Then, fasten the hooks of the bra.

While still in bending position, with one hand holding the side of the bra, insert the other hand in between the breast and the bra cup and push/scoop the excess flesh from the underarm area up and into the breast cup. Repeat on the other side. Stand up and make sure the breasts snug comfortably into the bra cups.

Next, looked into the mirror and see if the nipples are in the center seams of the bra cups if the front under bra band and the back band are at the same level (between the armpit and elbow). Lift your arms up. A well-fitted bra should not move around when you make any movement.

You can experiment with this method with your normal way of putting on a bra. You can really see the difference it makes.

You should also check on:

  1. The back of your bra does not ride up, otherwise, the under band may be too big, and you could need a smaller size.
  2. Your bra straps are not falling down or digging into your shoulders. If they are, adjust them or use wider straps.
  3. Your flesh does not squeeze over the top of your bra. If it does but feels fine everywhere else, the cup size is too small for you.
  4. Run your finger under the bra stripe in front. Your bra should be comfortable but not tight, otherwise, you need a larger band size or you must fasten your bra at the next looser hook.
  5. No, holes at the center of the bra and breasts. The middle of your bra lies as flat as possible against your breastbone for a comfortable fit.

Cup Size

Small breast, to make the most of a small breast, wears a soft or thin padded bra. This can give you an enhanced neckline, good uplift, and a lovely shape. Half-cup bras are also flattering for smaller busts, padding at the sides and under give a maximum lift to the breast, revealing sexy cleavages. Less endowed women should try to avoid bras that have square-cut, they only flatten your breast.

Big breasts or women with larger busts can get support from a bra with wider shoulder and back straps. Bras with full cups contain the breast better and give the breast a better appearance. Underwired bras provide better support under the bust while smooth, plain bra styles, without too much lace, help to make your bust appear smaller.

Different bra for different age

Breast sizes are growing in recent years as more women are having proper diet and breast supplements are the culprits. Bra-wearers are getting younger and larger too.

A child as young as 9 years old starts puberty. Significantly is her breast growth. Bra experts normally recommend cotton or thinly padded bra for young bra wearers as their breast development changes quickly and a soft bra allows breast tissues to stretch. For a mature female, a good comfortable bra to keep breasts in shape and support should be worn. Examples a sports bra, underwired bras, or padded bras.

Is it good to be braless?

Almost three-quarters of the day, a woman had her bra on. The good time for the breast’s skin to breathe and the breasts to rest is during bedtime. It is also a time for the breasts tissues to be fully relaxed. By going braless allows unrestricted blood circulation as well.

Women's Health

Sexual Beginning – Masturbation

The entire sexual development of women in present-day society, from childhood to motherhood, is better educated and informed. But sex education for young children remains a dilemma for parents. We know the appearance of menstrual is a sign of puberty but, at the same time, it is also the beginning of sexual contact. All parents being protective towards their child, the word sex or subjects related to sex have been deliberately kept in ignorance, the small girl is hardly informed of the primary facts of sex.

At this stage, the child naturally and unconsciously perform masturbation or infantile masturbation which is part of a biologically natural character during this transition phase, they are curious about their new development. Occasionally, erotic dreams and daydreams lead to girls’ orgastic sensations.

Thus, safely say that masturbation constitutes an almost inevitable transition phase in the sexual development of the young girl or even boy in the present day. The practice is relatively harmless so long as it remains confined to this transition phase and it is a temporary character, and as long as it is not considered later on preferable to normal sexual intercourse.

It becomes harmful if involves permanent neurotic complications, is induced by warnings, scares, and threats of punishment, or disease resulting from masturbation. Once, the late Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, pioneer of sexology reported the experience of a young girl who, despite threats and warnings, could not but continue to obey the irresistible impulse:

“… I did it when I was at home, and lying in bed. I do not remember whether I thought anything of it when I did it. I only know that it was quite dark and quiet. I was doubled up under the bed-clothes. When it was over I often cried to myself. I went to bed frightened and could not go to sleep without praying. My spiritual condition went from bad to worse, and I kept on promising myself never to do it again until I finally comforted myself and went to sleep. I never kept my promise. It happened again, I do not know how long after, and I think not more frequently than once a month. A year ago, I gave it up as my mother caught me at it and gave me a lecture. So out of love for my mother, I gave it up until a little while before menstruation.”

Then I felt such a tickling and itching that I did it again with great passion. The next morning I found that I was bleeding and had pains in the knees and the thighs and could not get up. I told my mother that I had done it again and that I was bleeding, for I thought this was a consequence of it and cried bitterly. Mother comforted me and gave me a second talk. I was then thirteen years old.”

The child inevitably reacts to this with a mixture of curiosity and horror. The curiosity springs from the natural impulse, the horror grows out of the automatic reflection that these forbidden and “indecent” practices were and are carried on by her own parents and that in fact, she owes her very existence to this baseness of which the parents also speak with stern distaste.

Sexual Curiosity

In the earlier years of sexual studies, some scientists without exception acknowledge that nearly 100 percent of all men and women masturbated during this transition phase. This view is supported by statistical investigation we are quoting below statistics on the frequency of masturbation, as compiled by various senior sexologists (see Encyclopedia of Sexual Knowledge):

  • Dr. Marcuse (Munich) 93.9%
  • Dr. Deutsch (Budapest) 96.7%
  • Prof. Duck 90.8 %
  • Dr. Rohleder (Enquiry among students) 90.1%
  • Dr. Dukes (Enquiry among English students) 90-95%
  • Dr. Searley (Enquiry among American students) 85.3%
  • Dr. Hirschfeld (Berlin) 96%
  • Dr. Desider Hahn (Enquiry among workmen) 96%
  • Dr. Brockman (America) (Enquiry among theological students) 99.3 %
  • Dr. Young (America): 100%

It is also no exaggeration to say that the first arrived period also inevitably constitutes a minor emotional hurt to the little girl who is kept in unnatural ignorance. A feeling of being unclean, self-disgust, is nearly always connected up with the bad conscience which sees bleeding as punishment for actual masturbation, and “dirty thoughts.” Even at present, the young girl has sufficient knowledge to know that such a direct causal connection does not exist, there is still some vague conviction that bodily uncleanness is caused by spiritual impurity that is generally maintained in the subconscious. The widespread frequency of this attitude and its effects contribute a great deal to sexual misery, especially in conservative or religious cultures. The subject of sex is often to abstain in strict traditional families.

When a young girl questioned her mother about the origin of babies, she was told ‘You don’t need to know. Those are dirty things with which you must not stain the purity of your little soul,’ etc. Anna had no idea that she herself, her mother, and her little brothers owed their existence to those ‘dirty things’ the nature of which remained a mystery for her.

Always closely chaperoned by her governess she never even had an opportunity to discuss the subject with her friends. One day, in the course of a gymnastic lesson, she noticed that climbing up a pole gave her ‘a pleasant sensation’; then she found that she could induce the same sensation by pressing her legs tightly together. She would have mentioned it to her mother, but she vaguely suspected that her discovery was not unconnected with the ‘dirty things.’

One day little Anna woke up and saw bloodstains on her sheets and nightgown. She immediately concluded that she had defiled herself with those dirty things, and fallen ill. God had punished her, and her mother would learn Anna was an abject being. She decided to die, and going to the kitchen, turned on the gas. She was rescued at the last moment after she had already become unconscious.”

“The terror of the uninitiated girl at the sight of this inexplicable hemorrhage is such that she frequently regards it as a punishment for having masturbated and harbored impure thoughts. She often sees no other solution than suicide. Dr. Stekel cites the case of little Anna.

Women's Health

Female Sexual Dysfunction

Persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response, desire, orgasm, or pain — that distress you or strain your relationship with your partner — are known medically as sexual dysfunction.

In the past, the socio-cultural requisite that the female dissembles her sexual feelings did not lessen general interest in female sexuality.

The nature of female sexual response has been interpreted innumerable times, with each interpretation proposing a different concept or variation on a concept.

Interestingly, more than 95 percent of these interpretive efforts have been initiated by men, either from the defensive point of view of personal masculine bias or from a well-intentioned and often significant scientific position, but, because of cultural bias, without the opportunity to obtain unprejudiced material.

Even the small numbers of women combining research expertise with their own firsthand awareness of female sexual behavior have been disadvantaged by cultural limitations on the scientific investigation of human sexual response.

Conceptually these women also have shared cultural bias with their male professional peers.

Even though definitive research findings have emerged in the field of sexual behavior, the handicap of cultural bias has so constrained progress that there has been little professional concurrence in a final definition of female sexual function.

There are three apparent reasons for this stalemate in the definition of female psychosexual expression:

  1. Until recently there was a failure to develop a directly related body of biophysical information.
  2. There has been little interest in the duplication of physiological investigative procedures to validate research findings.
  3. There has been little or no effort to incorporate established laboratory findings into the clinical treatment of female sexual dysfunction.

A psychophysiological interpretation of female sexual response must be established and accepted, for it is impossible to consider sexual dysfunction with objectivity unless there is a base for comparison afforded by an acceptable concept of a woman’s sexually functional state.

In an effort to establish such a baseline interpretation, the female sexual response will be contemplated as an entity separate from the male sexual response is not, as might be presumed, because of any vast difference in their natural systems of expression.

Beyond the influence of fortunate variations in reproductive anatomy and their individual patterns of physiological function the sexes are basically similar, not different but because of sex-linked differences that are largely psychosocially induced.

A separate discussion of female sexuality is necessary primarily because the role assigned to the functional component of a woman’s sexual identity rarely has been accorded the socially enforced value afforded male sexuality.

While the parallel between sexes as to physiological function has gained general acceptance, the concept that the male and female also can share almost identical psychosocial requirements for effective sexual functioning brings expected to protest.

Only when a male requests treatment for symptoms of sexual dysfunction, and possible contributing factors are professionally scrutinized in the clinical interest of symptom reversal, are the psychosocial influences noted to be undeniably similar to those factors which affect female responsivity.

Then such factors as selectivity, regard, affection, identity, and pride (to name a few of the heterogeneous variables) are revealed as part of the missing positive or present negative influence or circumstances surrounding the sexual dysfunction.

It is obvious that man has had society’s blessing to build his sexual value system in an appropriate, naturally occurring context and woman has not.

Until unexpected and usually little understood situations influence the onset of male sexual dysfunction, his sexual value system remains essentially subliminal and its influence more presumed than real.

During her formative years, the female dissembles much of her developing functional sexuality in response to societal requirements for a “good girl” facade.

Instead of being taught or allowed to value her sexual feelings in anticipation of an appropriate and meaningful opportunity for expression, thereby developing a realistic sexual value system, she must attempt to repress or remove them from their natural context of environmental stimulation under the implication that they are bad, dirty, etc.

She is allowed to retain the symbolic romanticism which usually accompanies these sexual feelings, but the concomitant sensory development with the symbolism that endows the sexual value system with meaning is arrested or labeled for the wrong reasons, objectionable.

The reality of female sexual function today, aside from its vital role in reproduction, still carries an implication of shame, although such a dishonorable role has been rather difficult to sustain with objectivity.

The arbitrary, social assignment of the role of sin to female sexuality has not contributed to a desirably consistent level of marital harmony. Nor has society always found it easy to eliminate recognition of female sexuality while still supporting and maintaining the male’s role of tacit permission to be sexual with honor, or even praise.

Especially is this true of a society that continues to celebrate events before and after the fact of sexual expression (marriage, birth, etc.), and mourns the female menopause because it is presumed to signify the demise of sexual interest.

Women's Health

PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)

PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) is a generic name for any infection of the uterus, tubes, and ovaries. These are normally germ-free. Their position keeps them safe from infection, with added protection from the cervix, and its mildly antiseptic mucus.

The sexual disease is very dangerous once it reaches the cervix because this often starts with a cervical infection that travels to the uterus lining, then to the uterus muscle, then the tubes (salpingitis), the ovaries (oophoritis), and out into the pelvic cavity (peritonitis).

Consider the extent of damage that can occur. These normally germ-free areas, organs, and tissues are now inflamed, swollen with pus and disease. Symptoms include fever, chills, lower abdomen pain, irregular bleeding, spotting, pus-filled discharge from the vagina, and pain during or after intercourse.

The more severe the infection, the worse the pain and other symptoms. About 100,000 women each year become infertile as a result of PID.

Visit the clinic or physician promptly. Therapy is urgently required to reduce the extent of the damage. Hospitalization is necessary for the first PID attack so that antibiotics can be given intravenously (IV).

If the infection is widespread, PID may not respond to antibiotics. Surgery is then required to drain an abscess or pus-filled cavity or to remove infected tissue. One attack of PID gives no immunity against further attacks.

Other causes include miscarriage and abortion. Surgery is required to remove fetal or placental tissue still in the uterus. The infection is associated with intrauterine devices, and the IUD should be removed.

Birthing and endometrial biopsy also open the cervix and increase the risk of PID. Some women are more vulnerable to PID after a period. In others, the risk seems higher after intercourse. It is thought that germs on sperm proteins might be carried through the uterus and out to the pelvic cavity via the tubes, but this is not proven.

The cervix is the last defense against PID. Use barrier methods such as condoms and diaphragms where there is any risk. A significant number of PID cases are due to gonorrhea; keep in mind a partner can be asymptomatic. Chlamydia, which breeds on the cervix and causes PID, can also be asymptomatic. Protect the cervix.