Secondary Impotence

Impotence Influence

An illustration of the repressive influence of religious orthodoxy upon the potential effectiveness of sexual functioning can be provided by relating the history of one of the five couples with both husband and wife products of different religious orthodoxies.

Impotence and Religion

Mr. and Mrs. D were married in their early twenties. He was the product of a fundamentalist Protestant background, she of equally strict Roman Catholic orientation. The man had the additional disadvantage of being an only child, while the wife was one of three siblings. The marriage was established over the firm and often expressed objections of both families.

Impotence and Sex Information

Prior to marriage the wife had no previous heterosexual, masturbatory, or homosexual history, and knew nothing of male or female sexual expression. She had been taught that the only reason for sexual functioning was for conceptive purposes.

Similarly, the husband had no exposure to sex information other than the vague directions of the peer group.

He had never seen a woman undressed either in fact or in pictures.

Dressing and toilet privacy had been the ironclad rule of the home. He also had been taught that sexual functioning could be condoned only if conception was desired.

His sexual history consisted of masturbation during his teenage years with only occasional frequency, and two prostitute exposures. He was totally unsuccessful in each exposure because he was presumed a sexually experienced man by both women.

Sex with Prostitute

During the first episode the prostitute took the unsuspecting virginal male to a vacant field and suggested they have intercourse while she leaned against a stone fence. Since he had no concept of female anatomy, of where to insert the penis, he failed miserably in this sexually demanding opportunity.

His graphic memory of the incident is of running away from a laughing woman.


The second prostitute provided a condom and demanded its use. He had no concept of how to use the condom. While the prostitute was demonstrating the technique, he ejaculated. He dressed and again fled the scene in confusion.

These two sexual episodes provided only anxiety-filled examples of sexual failure. Since he had no background from which to develop objectivity when considering his “sexual disasters,” inevitably the cultural misconception of lack of masculinity was the unfortunate residual of his experiences.

There was failure to consummate the marriage on the wedding night and for nine months thereafter. After consummation sexual function continued on a sporadic basis with no continuity. The wife refused contraception until after advent of the third child.

Sexual success was never of quality or quantity sufficient to relieve the husband of his fears of performance or to free the wife from the belief that either there was something wrong with her physically or that she was totally inadequate as a woman in attracting any man.

Sexual Difficulty

They rarely discussed their sexual difficulties, as both husband and wife were afraid of hurting one another, and each was certain that their unsatisfactory pattern of sexual dysfunction was all that could be expected from indulgence in sexual expression at times when conception was not the prime motivation.

With no appreciation of the naturalness of sexual functioning and with no concept of an honorable role for sexual response, the psychosocial pressures engendered from their negatively oriented sexual value systems left them with no positive means of mutual communication.

The failure of this marriage started with the wedding ceremony. There was no means of communication available for these two young people. Trained by theological demand to uninformed immaturity in matters of sexual connotation, both marital partners had no concept of how to cope when their sexual dysfunction was manifest. Their first approach to professional support was to agree to seek pastoral counseling.

Here their individual counselors were as handicapped by orthodoxy as were their supplicants. There were no suggestions made that possibly could have alleviated the sexual dysfunction. When sexual matters were raised, either no discussion was allowed, or every effort was made to belittle the importance of the sexual problem.

Without professional support, the marital partners were again released to their own devices. Each partner was intimidated, frustrated, and embarrassed for lack of sexual knowledge. The sexual dysfunction dominated the entire marriage.

The husband was never as effective professionally as he might have been otherwise. He withdrew from social functioning as much as possible. The wife was in a constant state of emotional turmoil, which had the usual rebound effect upon the children. By the time this husband and wife arrived at the Foundation, she was well on the way to earning the title of “shrew.”

Psycho-Sexual Performance

The couple was first seen after a decade of marriage. As expected from individuals so handicapped in communication, each partner had established an extramarital coital connection while individually searching for some security of personal identity and effectiveness of sexual performance.

The wife had been successful in establishing her own security of psycho-sexual performance; the husband, as would be anticipated in this instance, had not. After ten years of traumatic marriage, both individuals gravely questioned their religious beliefs. Although no longer channel visioned, the wife continued church attendance, the husband rejected all church affiliations.

There can be no feeling for naturalness of sexual expression when there is no background of sexual comprehension. There can be no appreciation that sexual functioning is indeed a natural physical phenomenon, when material of sexual content is considered overwhelmingly embarrassing, personally degrading, and often is theologically prohibited.

In essence, when an individual’s sexual value system has no positive connotation, how little the chance for truly effective sexual expression.

The fact that most men and woman survive the handicap of strict religious’ orthodoxy to function with some semblance of sexual effectiveness does not mean that these men and women are truly equipped to enjoy the uninhibited freedom of sexual exchange.

Their physical response patterns, developing in spite of their orthodox religious negation of an honorable role for sexual function, are immature, constrained, and, at times, even furtive.

Sexual function is stylized, unimaginative, depersonalized, and indeed productive only of biological reproduction. A derogatory affect upon the total personality is the tragic residual of conditioned inability to accept or handle objectively meaningful material of sexual content.

Secondary Impotence

Impotence and Erection

It has such a varied etiology that a formalized frequency table for professional consideration is contraindicated at this time. Yet significant consideration must be devoted to dominant sources from which the fears of performance common to all forms of male sexual dysfunction can and do develop.

Every man is influenced to a major degree by his sexual value system, which reflects directly the input from his psychosocial background.

Over the centuries the single constant etiological source of all forms of male sexual dysfunction has been the level of cultural demand for effectiveness of male sexual performance. The cultural concept that the male partner must accept full responsibility for establishing successful coital connection has placed upon everyman the psychological burden for the coital process and has released every woman from any suggestion of similar responsibility for its success.

If anatomical anomalies such as vaginal agenesis or an imperforate hymen are exempted and the psychological dysfunction of vaginismus is discounted, it could be said provocatively that there has never been an impotent woman.

Woman need only make herself physically available to accomplish coital connection or even to propagate the race. Legions of women conceive and raise families without ever experiencing orgasm and carry coition to the point of male, ejaculation with little physical effort and no personal, reactive involvement.

During coition woman has only to lie still to be physically potent. While this role of total passivity is no longer an acceptable psychological approach to sexual encounter in view of current cultural demand for active female participation, it is still an irrevocable physiological fact that woman need only lie still to be potent.

Erection and masculinity

Any biophysical or psychosocial influence that can interfere with the male partner’s ability to achieve and to maintain an erection can cast a shadow of conscious doubt upon the effectiveness of his coital performance, and, in due course, upon his concept of the state of his masculinity.

Once a shadow of doubt has been cast, even though based only on a single unsatisfactory sexual performance after years of effective functioning, a man may become anxious about his theoretical potential for future coital connection. With the first doubt raised by any failed attempt at sexual connection in the past comes the first tinge of fear for the effectiveness of any sexual performance in the future.

There are a number of theoretical factors and a combination of psychological, circumstantial, environmental, physiological, or even iatrogenic factors that can raise the specter of the fear of performance in the always susceptible mind of the male in our culture, be he 14 or 84 years of age.

It should come as no surprise that in the referred population of sexually dysfunctional men, by far the most frequent potentiator of secondary impotence is the existence of a prior state of premature ejaculation, and that the second most frequent factor in onset of secondary impotence can be directly related to a specific incident of acute ingestion of alcohol or to a pattern of excessive alcohol intake per se.

Of course, both the factors of premature ejaculation and alcoholism accomplish their unfortunate purpose in the onset of impotence through engendering fears of performance.

In premature ejaculation
The fears of performance usually develop as the result of a slow but steady process of attrition spanning a period of years and are purely psychosocial in origin. In alcoholism the fears of performance usually develop rapidly, almost without warning, as the immediate result of untoward psychic trauma on circumstantial bases.

By reason of the diverse patterns of clinical onset as well as the marked variation in their rapidity of development, these two major etiological factors will be considered in some detail, with the discussion amplified by representative case histories.

Secondary Impotence With Premature Ejaculation

An established pattern of premature ejaculation prior to the onset of the symptoms of secondary impotence has been recorded in 63 of the total 213 men evaluated and treated for secondary impotence in the past 11 years. The premature ejaculation tendencies usually have been established for a significant period of time (generally a matter of years) before the symptoms of secondary impotence develop.

The fact that the prior existence of a pattern of premature ejaculation often leads to secondary impotence is yet another reason for clinical confusion in the textual listing of the premature ejaculator as an impotent male. There is no established percentage of premature ejaculators who progress to secondary impotence.

While the number is of considerable moment, this by no means suggests that a majority of premature ejaculators become secondarily impotent. A composite history typical of the sequential pattern of secondary impotence developing in a man distressed by prior symptoms of premature ejaculation is presented in detail.

Typically, the man is married, with some college education. Married in his mid-twenties, he usually is well into his thirties or even mid forties before onset of the symptoms of secondary impotence forces him to seek professional support.

Rapid ejaculations:

Sexual dysfunction (premature ejaculation) has existed throughout the marriage. This man has had a moderate degree of sexual experience before marriage with, perhaps, three to five other partners, and has the typical premature ejaculator’s history of having been conditioned in a rapid ejaculatory pattern during his first coital opportunities.

If authority has been approached in the interest of learning ejaculatory control, the results of such consultation have been essentially negligible in terms of improved sexual function. Professional relief of the psychosexual tensions created for the marital union by the continued existence of this form of sexual dysfunction rarely is sought until the youngest of any children of the marriage is at least of school age.

By this time the female partner has little tolerance for the situation. She no longer can contend with the frustrations inherent in a relatively constant state of sexual excitation, occasional, if ever, release of her sexual tensions, and rare, if ever, male consideration of her unresolved sexual demands.

Over the years of the marriage (ten to twenty), the issue of the husband’s rapid ejaculatory termination of their coital encounters has been raised repetitively.

The wife’s complaint was initially registered quietly, even questioningly; in time, complainingly or accusingly; and finally, demandingly, shrewishly, or contemptuously, as her personality and the immediate levels of her sexual frustration dictated.

The male partner, rarely made aware of the inadequacy of his sexual performances during premarital sexual experience, and frequently totally insensitive to his wife’s levels of sexual frustration during the early years of marriage, finally accepts the repetitively hammered concept that the dysfunctional state of their marital sexual status is “his fault” and, consequently, that he must “do something.”

And so he tries. As described in premature ejaculation, he bites his lips; thinks of work at the office; plans tomorrow’s activities; constricts the rectal sphincter; counts backwards from one hundred.

In short, does everything to distract himself from his partner’s obvious demands for sexual fulfillment during coital connection. Insofar as possible, he consciously turns off both the functional and the subjective projections of his wife’s sexual demands in order to reduce the input of his sexual stimuli.

Sexual Encounter

For instance whenever his wife reaches that level of sexual tension that finds her responding to sexually oriented stimuli almost involuntarily (a high-plateau tension level), the physically obvious state of her sexual demand drives her husband rapidly toward ejaculation. The beleaguered premature ejaculator, trying for control, employs any or all of the subjectively distracting tactics described above.

Thus, as much as possible, he not only denies the objective demand for his ejaculatory response inherent in his wife’s pelvic thrusting, but also attempts to deny generally the subjective feeling of vaginal containment and specifically the constrictive containment of the penis by her engorged orgasmic platform.

Insofar as possible, he compulsively negates the obvious commitment of her entire body to the elevated levels of her sexual demand. Whether or not this man ever acquires nominal physiological control of his premature ejaculatory tendencies by employing his diversionary tactics, one half of the mutually stimulative cycle that exists between sexually responsive men and women certainly has been dulled or even totally obviated.

This conscious dulling or even negating of input from his wife’s physical expressions of sexual demand is his first unintentional step toward secondary impotence.

There is marked individual variation in the particular moment at which the wife’s repetitively verbalized complaints of inadequacy of ejaculatory control were extrapolated by the husband into a conscious concern for “inadequacy of sexual performance.” Once the premature ejaculator develops any in depth concept that he is sexually inadequate, he is ripe for psychosocial distraction during any sexual encounter.

While his wife continues to berate his premature ejaculatory tendencies as “his sexual failure,” as “not getting the job done,” as “being totally uninterested in her sexual release,” or as “evidence of his purely selfish interests,” the reasonably intelligent male frequently develops a protean concern for the total of his sexual prowess.

Once a premature ejaculator questions the adequacy of his sexual performance, not only does he worry about ejaculatory control, but he also moves toward over concentration on the problem of satisfying his wife. While over concentrating in an attempt to force effective sexual control, he subjectively blocks full sensate input of the stimulative effect of his wife’s sexual demand.

Frequently, the pressured male resorts to a time honored female dodge: that of developing excuses for avoiding sexual activity. He claims he is tired not feeling well or has important work to do the next day.

He displays little interest in sexual encounter simply because he knows the result of any attempted sexual connection will probably be traumatic at best physical release for him but not satisfaction for his wife, and at worst a disaster of argument Or vituperation.

In brief:
There is further blocking of the inherent biophysical stimulation derived from the consistent level of mutual sexual awareness that prevails between sexually adjusted marital partners and a depreciation of the importance of mutual communication within the security of the marital bed.

Finally, the turning point. The wife pushes for sexual encounter on an occasion when the husband is emotionally distracted, physically tired, and certainly frustrated with his sexual failures. In a naturally self-protective sequence, he is totally uninterested in sexual encounter. When the husband is approached sexually by his demanding partner, there is little in the way of an erective response.

For the first time the man fears that he is dealing with a sexual dysfunction of infinitely more gravity than the performance inadequacy of his premature ejaculatory pattern. Once this man, previously sensitized to fears of sexual performance by his wife’s repetitively verbalized rejection of his rapid ejaculatory tendencies, fails at erection, fears of performance multiply almost geometrically, and his effectiveness as a sexually functional male diminishes with parallel rapidity.

Secondary Impotence

Impotence Cause by Surgery

In the second case, a supra-pubic prostatectomy, there was sufficient post surgical symptomatology to stimulate onset of symptoms of secondary impotence. In this situation the untoward surgical result was unfortunate. The distress in both instances was that the men had not been forewarned of the possible side effects of the surgery.

The case of secondary impotence developing after the supra-pubic prostatectomy was brought under control during therapy.

Prostatic cancer patients:
Those facing surgery, should be made aware by the operating surgeon that the loss of erective function can and does accompany such surgery. The psychosexual trauma forced upon the postoperative patient and his wife because they were not informed before surgery of the resultant sexual dysfunction is unforgivable.

The physiological influence of diabetes on secondary impotence is in a special category. In 6 of the total of 9 cases the onset of secondary impotence had been associated with the diabetes by consultative authority prior to referral for therapy, while in the remaining 3 instances no correlation between the established clinical condition of diabetes and the onset of impotence had been suggested by referring professionals.

Additionally, in 11cases of referral for secondary impotence without concept of etiological influence clinical diabetes (3 cases) and preclinical diabetes (8 cases) were diagnosed during metabolic work-ups that are part of the routine physical and laboratory evaluations of the secondarily impotent male referred for diagnosis and treatment.

As described in therapy treatments, a routine five-hour glucose-tolerance test is conducted for men referred for secondary impotence. This evaluation technique has been in effect for five years but has not reached the stage of statistical significance.

This work will be reported as a separate entity in monograph form at a later date. The statistical evaluation suggests that there is a 200-300 percent higher incidence of a diabetic or prediabetic curve reported for men with the clinical symptoms of secondary impotence, when returns are compared to the incidence of diabetic or prediabetic curves in similar glucose-tolerance testing of a representative cross-section of the population.

There is no supportable concept at this time that diabetes is an associate of equality with other etiological influences on secondary impotence. Nor does this work imply that the diabetic male has an established predisposition toward impotence. The amount of information available currently does not allow a firm clinical position.

Of course, there frequently are other etiological foci to combine with a diabetic or prediabetic state to influence the onset of secondary impotence. However, if a man is referred for secondary impotence, evaluation of his diabetic status should be a routine part of the total physical and laboratory work up.

It should be emphasized in context that even if symptoms of secondary impotence represent an end-point of etiological influence from a diabetic or prediabetic state, adequate institution and careful maintenance of medical control of the diabetes will not reverse the symptoms of impotence, once developed.

Impotence Diabetic

Difficulty lies, of course, in the fact that regardless of etiology, once lack of erective security has been established, fears of performance unalterably become an integral part of the psychosocial influences of the man’s daily life. Adequate medical control of the diabetes will provide no relief for his fears for sexual performance.

If diabetes or a prediabetic state can influence the onset of secondary impotence in other than advanced states of diabetic neuropathy, this fact is but another example of the multiple etiological aspects of secondary impotence.

Understandably, for many years the pattern of the human male has been to blame sexual dysfunction on specific physical distresses.

Every sexually inadequate male lunges toward any potential physical excuse for sexual malfunction. From point of ego support, would that it could be true.

A cast for a leg or a sling for an arm provides socially acceptable evidence of physical dysfunction of these extremities. Unfortunately the psychosocial causes of perpetual penile flaccidity cannot be explained or excused by devices for mechanical support.

Secondary Impotence

Impotent by Paternal Dominance

Paternal dominance exactly the opposite type of history has been recorded in five cases of men referred for treatment of secondary impotence when therapy. His fears for sexual performance and, for that matter, almost any measure of performance were overwhelming.

His discussions in therapy were mixtures of praise and damnation for his father. His consistently hopeless personal comparisons with presumed levels of paternal performance were indeed sad to behold.

There have been five examples of one-parent family imbalance (permanent absence of either father or mother from the home). Retrospectively, the histories essentially join those of the composite reports of maternal or paternal dominance.

Therefore, there seems little relevance in further illustration. It really matters little whether parental dominance is achieved by force of personality, with the opposite partner continuing in the home as a second class citizen, or is irrevocably established by absence of one partner from the home on a permanent or semi permanent basis (professional demands, divorce, death, etc.).

Unopposed maternal or paternal dominance, regardless of how created, can destroy any susceptible young man’s confidence in his masculinity. With maternal dominance, the paternal role can be painted so gray and meaningless that there is little positive male adult patterning available for an impressionable teenager.

Unopposed paternal dominance:
May create such a concept of overwhelming masculinity for an impressionable teenager that it is impossible for him to match his ego strength with the paternal image enshrined by his fantasy.

With too little or too much masculinity as a pattern, he becomes increasingly sensitive to any suggestion of personal inadequacy.

Failure of performance, any performance, may be over whelming in its implications.

The beleaguered male frequently extrapolates real or presumed social and professional pressures into demands for performance. As his anxieties increase, he becomes progressively more unstable emotionally, is quite easily distracted, and complains of feeling chronically tired in a well-recognized behavior pattern.

Finally, some occasion of sexual demand finds him unable to respond effectively. For any sexually oriented, personally secure man there is always tomorrow.

But for the insecure, pressured male, it is the end of the line.

All else fades into the background as he focuses on this new failure. Is this the final evidence of loss of his masculinity? Fears of performance, regardless of original psychosocial focus, are rapidly transferred to sexual concern be cause it is so easy to remove sexual functioning from its natural physiological context.

From a single experience in erective failure may come permanent loss of erective capacity.

The real tragedy of unopposed parental dominance is that it leaves the susceptible male sibling vulnerable when his insecure masculinity must face the sexual challenge of our culture. Regardless of how innocuous the level of that challenge may seem to others, to the concerned man every bedding is indeed a demand for performance.

Religious orthodoxy provided the same handicap to the secondarily impotent male as that emphasized in the discussion of the primarily impotent man. Twenty-six instances of secondary impotence directly related to religious orthodoxy have been identified among 213 men referred for secondary impotence.

To a significant degree, the histories of primarily and secondarily impotent men are almost parallel when religious orthodoxy has major etiological influence. Six of 32 cases of primary impotence were at least sensitized to sexual dysfunction by their religious backgrounds.

The histories of the 6 men with primary impotence and the 26 referred for treatment of secondary impotence show remarkable parallels with the exception that there must be at least one instance of successful coitus in the history of the secondarily impotent men.

The 26 cases of religious orthodoxy divide into 6 Jewish; 11 Catholic; 4 fundamentalist Protestant; and 5 mixed marriages in which both husband and wife, although professing different religious beliefs, were gravely influenced by rigid controls of religious orthodoxy during their formative years.

The symptoms of secondary impotence frequently do not appear for the first hundred or even thousand exposures to sexual function.

A significant exception is established when reviewing the histories of these 26 men. Severity of religious orthodoxy places pathological stress on any initial coital process. For the relatively non susceptible male, regardless of the sexual handicap of theo logical rigidity, this tension-filled opportunity usually is met without failure at sexual functioning, or if there is failure, repetitive sexual exposure during the honeymoon provides ample opportunity for successful completion.

There are, however, a number of susceptible men who do not follow the usual male pattern of successful consummation of marriage. These are the individuals who may develop symptoms of primary or secondary impotence.

Erection influence by religious orthodoxy, the symptoms of secondary impotence develop through two well-identified response patterns.

The first pattern divides into two specific forms:

  1. Infrequent success in the first coital opportunity usually followed, despite this initial success, by failure in the first few weeks or months of the marriage.
  2. most frequent, erective failure usually underscored during the first sexual opportunity provided by the honeymoon and continuing despite virginally frantic efforts to accomplish consummation.

For some ill-defined reason a successful vaginal penetration is recorded in the first month or six weeks of marriage; occasionally this is followed by a few more uneventful sexual experiences, but soon fears of performance assume unopposed dominance and, thereafter, the male is essentially impotent.

In the second pattern, at least six months and frequently many years will pass without consummation of the marriage. Then in some unexplained manner, vaginal penetration finally is accomplished and there is wild celebration, but the future is indeed dark.

There usually is a brief period of time (a week to a year at the most) in which sexual function continues alternatively encouraged by a success and depressed by a failure. Fears of performance fight for dominance, but so does the sexually stimulative warmth of a partner.

Effective sexual functioning assumes an off-again, on-again cyclic pattern. This cycling of sexual dysfunction is castrating in itself. The untoward effects are essentially as damaging as if the marriage had continued unconsummated.

The pattern of occasionally successful sexual functioning followed by inexplicable erective failure produces a loss of masculine security and abject humiliation for the untutored, apprehensive, sexually immature male, and creates a high level of frustration and loss of both social and personal security for the female partner.

Secondary Impotence


When the first erective failure occurs, the involved man certainly should not immediately be judged secondarily impotent. Many men have occasional episodes of erective failure, particularly when fatigued or distracted. However, an initial failure at coital connection may become a harbinger, and, as apprehension increases during episodes of erection, a pattern of erective failure subsequently may be established.

Finally, erective inadequacy may become a relatively constant companion to opportunities for sexual connection.

Erection Difficulty

When an individual male’s rate of failure at successful coital connection approaches 25 percent of his opportunities, the clinical diagnosis of secondary impotence must be accepted. The sexual dysfunction termed premature ejaculation has been labeled by various textbooks as a form of sexual impotence.

It is difficult to accept this dilution of the clinical picture of both primary and secondary impotence, because the dysfunctions of impotence have in common the specter of male conceptive inadequacy as well as those of erective inadequacy.

The physiological and psychological limitations of conceptive inadequacy do not apply to the premature ejaculator, nor, for that matter, is there any difficulty in attaining an erection. There is difficulty, of course, in maintaining an erection for significant lengths of time, but in opposition to the concerns of impotence, when the premature ejaculator loses his erection he does so as part of the male’s total orgasmic process.

No Ejaculation

If the impotent male succeeds in attaining erection and then loses it shortly before or shortly after penetration, he usually does so without ejaculating.

The premature ejaculator characterishcally functions with a high degree of reproductive efficiency and, unfortunately for the female partner, with little waste of time.

Previously, the man with ejaculatory incompetence has not been separated from clinical concepts of impotence, and such separation is indeed long overdue. From a clinical point of view, ejaculatory incompetence is diametrically opposed to premature ejaculation in the kaleidoscope of male sexual dysfunctions.

While the male with ejaculatory incompetence parallels the impotent male in reflecting clinical concerns for conceptive inadequacy, such a man could never be accused of the erective inadequacy so frustrating for both primarily and secondarily impotent men. There is essentially no time limitation to maintenance of erection for the man with ejaculatory incompetence.

He simply cannot ejaculate intravaginally.

The premature ejaculator arbitrarily is excluded from the categorical diagnosis of impotence, even if on occasion he may not be able to achieve penetration with success.

Frequently the sexual stimulation of coital opportunity, or of any form of precoital sex play, will cause him to ejaculate either before he can accomplish vaginal intromission or immediately after coital connection has been established.

The clinical difference between the two types of inadequate coital function (premature ejaculation and secondary impotence) lies in the fact that acquiring ejaculatory control is more a matter of physiological than psychological orientation, while reconstituting the ability to attain or maintain an erection quality sufficient for effective coital connection requires psycho logical rather than physiological reorientation.

The man with incompetent ejaculation arbitrarily is excluded from a categorical diagnosis of impotence, even though both types of inadequate coital function have a multiplicity of etiologies almost entirely psychological rather than physiological in character.

Their basic variation is that the incompetent ejaculator functions most effectively from a purely physiological point of view as a coital entity, while the impotent man does not.

Penis Health

Your Penis Size


When we look at the penis from its exterior, we see a shaft, usually called by most men. The tip of the shaft is the glans. The glans which run from the urinary bladder, in the middle through the prostate, and towards the opening (glans) allows your urine to stream out or ejaculates semen. This canal is the urethra. Together and attached to the shaft are two separate sacs called scrotum, in it are the testis or testicles whereby together with the prostate they produce and release sperm, called ejaculate.

The penis is also made up of two spongy tissues; the corpus spongiosum that laid the underside of the penis and the corpus cavernosum on the top of the corpus spongiosum, which runs parallel along the shaft. However, the corpus spongiosum has little effect on erection. The corpus cavernosum with two erectile chambers is just like a sponge, absorbs the blood onto the hallow spaces when sexually excited. Thus, the penis is expanded and engorged.

The veins outside the corpus cavernosum were compressed and do not allow the blood from flowing back, hence creating an erection. You see, erections aren’t simply something that happens in the penis. In simplified terms, it functioned from the Brain-Body-Penis.


Remember our school days when we used to compare our ‘guns’ and tease one another in the boy’s room? By now, our ‘guns’ would have outgrown already. Still, there are men not satisfied with either their size or length. Envious of the male porn stars you saw in X-rated videos and magazines or heard from your peers bragging how big their penises are etc.

But asked yourself have you actually seen it with your eyes? Not all buddy would want to and probably not you too! Well, unless you guys are discussing openly penis health! (As for me, I would only permit 3 people to my penis. They are my beloved wife who love and take care of them, my doctor for an annual checkup and last myself.)

Have you thought if it may be a graphic gimmick that you have seen on the screen or pages? Could they have gone penis enlargement surgery? But I must agree there are men naturally with longer than average penis length. So how long is long enough?

A survey found most healthy average male penis is 8 cm or longer when in a flaccid state and averagely at 12cm when erected. However, the penis size varies from person to person and it is also determined by age, height, weight (obese or too thin may affect). If you owned that length, you are adequately endowed to satisfy a woman and if your penis is 16cm (erected) long, I must congratulate you!

Men with erections in the less endowed category do not worry. A little off the length does not mean you are a man lesser or less sexual! In normal circumstances, as long as the penis can achieve an erection and perform dutifully and excellently, you are perfectly Masculine! It is important to focus on the woman’s clitoral (rubbing the penis against it) or vagina stimulation when penetrating and thrusting the penis. Do you know most women receive their orgasm from the clitoral more than vaginal wall stimulation?

Prostate Problems

Drugs that spoil your sex life

Prescription Drugs Affects Your Sex Life:

  1. Tranquilizers.
  2. Decongestants.
  3. Drugs to lower cholesterol.
  4. Digoxin for heart failure.
  5. Diuretics and Beta blockers used for men with heart disease and hypertension.
  6. Methyldopa for blood pressure.
  7. Calcium channel blockers–new treatments for hypertension.
  8. Estrogens / female hormone used in men with prostate cancer.
  9. Anti-androgens used in with prostate cancer.
  10. Seizure medications.
  11. Prostate cancer drug.
  12. The drugs used to treat ulcers and heartburn.
  13. Drugs to stop the growth of prostate cells which have significant side effects, including reduced sexual desire and performance.

Leisure drugs/fashion drugs:

Marijuana, cocaine, tobacco, alcohol,

If you’re concerned about fertility, you should consider that the drugs you’re taking; prescription, over-the-counter, and otherwise may be interfering with your ability to have children. Many drugs reduce sperm quality and quantity, inability to have an erection. If you’re on a long-term prescription, ask your family doctor about the effects of your medication on fertility.

Prostate Problems

Prostate Health: Protect Your Prostate

Prostate Health: Protect Your Prostate

Educating yourself is a giant leap in understanding what you’re facing, and how to eliminate unnecessary suffering and expense. Don’t just sit there!


Many experts now recommend the “watchful waiting” approach. As the name would suggest, means keeping a close eye on any signs of the disease progressing, but holding off on extreme treatments, such as drugs, surgery, and chemotherapy, unless absolutely necessary. That is why statistics show that a healthy 60-year-old man has an average life expectancy of another 18 years.

If contracted prostate cancer, who does NOT have prostate surgery, has a life expectancy of another 16 years, while one who DOES have surgery has a life expectancy of another 17 years. Not much of a difference? So your best course of action may very well be no action at all. There probably is no rush for you to the surgeon, at least not until you carefully weigh your alternatives.

Trace Your Hereditary

Some men are more at risk for developing prostate cancer than others due to hereditary while others are environmental. For example, you may be more at risk for prostate cancer if a male relative had prostate cancer or a female relative has had a brush with breast cancer.

Some studies were made in Sweden had a diagnosis of prostate cancer between 1959 and 1963 traced the records of 5,496 of their sons and confirmed that there is a higher risk of developing prostate cancer among men whose fathers had the disease. As for environmental factors, social stress, worksite environment may affect the prostate as well.


Lately, more doctors are coming to believe that an enlarged prostate can be treated or deterred by feeding the body the nutrients it lacks. They understand that some foods, herbs, and nutrients influence prostate enlargement, and some of them may also influence cancer spread or development. While pharmaceutical and surgical treatments are more or less effective in relieving symptoms, they in no way address the underlying causes of prostate disease. Dietary, lifestyle, environmental and emotional factors are known for stressing the prostate.

Doesn’t it make sense to take advantage of safe nutritional guidelines which may deter prostate enlargement or prostate cancer? For example, high-fat diets and high cholesterol have been directly linked to prostate cancer and other illness. By reducing the fats in your diet will help ward it off.

Herbal Therapies

As reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in September 1998, researchers found that more than 60% of United States medical schools now offer courses that include alternative medical topics such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and herbal therapies. And no wonder why. Three adults in the United States use chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, or other alternative therapies. So don’t feel like a weirdo by exploring alternatives to herbal remedies, toxic medicines, or surgeries.

If your doctor doesn’t understand or approve, it should be easy enough for you to find a competent one who does. By saying that, many doctors still consider only drugs and surgery as the “medically-approved” treatments for prostate disorders and erectile problems. Most will not recommend a treatment program based on nutrition or supplements that many physicians know how some simple-to-follow guidelines can prevent, slow down or if not eliminate prostate problems.


The above reasons are good enough for you to change your living habits. Example; give up tobacco, cut down the intake of caffeine and alcohol, eating habits (cut back on high-fat food, sugar-rich food, spicy food), do regular exercise and etc. There are also some medicines to watch out for as it can harm some men, for instance taking large doses of cold medicines that contain antihistamines and decongestants. Decongestants can cause the muscle at the bladder neck to constrict, restricting the flow of urine. Antihistamines can actually paralyze the bladder. When consuming the cold remedies follow the directions on the label and don’t take more than is recommended.


Stress plays a major role in prostate-related discomfort, because the bladder neck, and prostate are both very rich with nerves, when you’re under stress there are more of those hormones floating around which cause more difficulty in urinating. Stress also triggers the release of adrenaline in your body, prompting a fight-or-flight response. Just as it is difficult to get an erection! It can make urination difficult, too.


One way to help ease urination problems is to massage (see kegel exercise) the prostate. For men with mild to moderate voiding difficulties, an alternative way is to have more sex. Most of them notice that the more they ejaculate, the easier it is to urinate. That’s because ejaculation helps empty the prostate of secretions that may hinder urination.


When a man gets older, the active testosterone in the blood decreases, leaving a higher proportion of estrogen in the body. Studies done with animals have suggested that Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH (see below) may occur because the higher amount of estrogen within the gland increases the activity of substances that promote cell growth.


Failing to empty the bladder allows bacteria to collect, and can cause an infection in the urinary canal or bladder. Besides urine retention, the strain on the bladder can lead to urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones, and incontinence (involuntary leaking). Left untreated, an infection can progress to the urethra and kidneys. In a worst-case scenario urine can show up in your blood, and that can be very bad.

If your urination is:

– hesitant, interrupted, weak stream.
– urgency and leaking or dribbling.
– more frequent urination, especially at night.

These are the most common symptoms of BPH involve.

Prostate Problems

Prostate Disease


There are several symptoms, for example;

– urinate more frequently, especially in the middle of the night.
– urination somehow is more difficult, uneven or unintentional.
– blood in your urine.
– burning sensation when you “take a leak” or ejaculate.
– pain in your upper thighs, lower back or pelvis.

If you have some similar symptoms as above, it often indicates normal enlargement as you age or maybe simply you’ve been drinking more liquids, or under extra stress lately. But be warned. While prostate cancer can cause these symptoms, it can be symptomless. If you have any concerns at all about your prostate, see a doctor quickly.


Basically, there are 3 diseases that can strike the prostate:

  1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or Hypertrophy (BPH)- are benign diseases that do not cause cancer (but don’t mean you won’t get it) and are usually in the male age group of the 40s.
  2. Prostatitis– can strike men at any age that can lead to other prostate problems. For high-risk males, symptoms may start much younger.
  3. Cancer of the prostate

A) Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

If urination symptoms suggested Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, it can prevent the bladder from emptying completely, thus leaving urine behind. The narrowing of the urethra and partial emptying of the bladder may cause “urge incontinence.” This means your bladder is irritated by retained urine which leads to spasm. The result? You don’t make it to the bathroom in time. All these can cause bladder infections, stones, and even kidney damage! The size of the prostate does not always determine how severe the obstruction or the symptoms will be. Some men with seriously enlarged glands have little obstruction and few symptoms, while some with less enlarged glands have more blockage and greater problems.

Since urine retention and BPH may cause urinary tract infections, do take notice of the symptoms of BPH yourself, or consult your doctor during a routine checkup that if your prostate is enlarged or not. If BPH is suspected, you may be referred to a urologist (a doctor who specializes in problems of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system). A doctor will usually clear up any infection with antibiotics before treating the BPH itself. Although the need for treatment is not usually urgent, doctors generally advise going ahead with treatment once the problems become bothersome or present a health risk. Instead of immediate therapy, regular checkups are recommended to watch for early problems.

At present, conventional treatments include watch and wait, to see how bad symptoms can become, followed by drug therapy and then surgery if necessary. The last two treatments can cause side effects including impotence.

B) PROSTATITIS-infection & inflammation of the gland

Basically, there are two kinds of prostatitis namely: Infectious (Bacterial) prostatitis and non-bacterial prostatitis.

Infectious Prostatitis
Any man at any age can develop an infection or inflammation of the prostate gland, known as prostatitis

Prostatitis can affect young men in their prime of life. Though not deadly but it’s not fun to have it either. A disabling disease that may have a drastic reduction in the quality of life, cause intense pain, urinary complications, sexual dysfunction, and infertility. This infection can be just a one-time occurrence, or it can be chronic, persistent, or recurrent. Bacteria or some other microorganism can cause the disease, or it can result from other factors other than bacteria.

Non-bacterial or non-infectious prostatitis. There are 2 categories:
a) Congestive prostatitis or Prostatostasis occurs when too much prostatic fluid, the milky fluid in semen, accumulates within the prostate gland rather than being ejaculated out through the penis. The gland is said to be congested.

b) Another condition, Prostatodynia, in which pain “seems” to originate in the prostate but is much more likely to be coming from the muscles of the pelvic floor, from inflammation in one or more of the pelvic bones, or from a disease in the rectum. Despite its name, prostatodynia really has nothing to do with the prostate.

Being a tough disease to diagnose, effective prostatitis treatment is sometimes difficult. This often leads to frustration for both patients and doctors. A patient may show a variety of symptoms which often include:

  1. Low back pain.
  2. Joint aches.
  3. Muscle aches.
  4. Burning upon urination.
  5. Frequent urination.
  6. Urgent urination.
  7. Generalized malaise.
  8. Pain deep in the rectum and scrotal areas.

At times the symptoms may also include fever or pain almost anywhere within the pelvis and scrotum. The above symptoms may be mild or overwhelming.

As previously mentioned, it can be caused by bacteria similar to those which cause other types of urinary infections. However, some men have no evidence of bacteria in their prostates, yet are thought to carry microorganisms (such as Chlamydia or Ureaplasma), which are harder to identify. Still, some others have no evidence of any microorganisms at all. The reasons for their prostatitis symptoms are poorly understood and are possibly related to stress or congestion, certain medications such as cold remedies with antihistamines and decongestants may be a cause of symptoms too!


–Too much sex? Not enough sex?

A healthy prostate secretes about one-tenth and two-fifths of a teaspoon of fluid. When you’re sexually stimulated you to produce four to ten times that amount. Normally or ideally, you release it by ejaculating otherwise your prostate becomes congested or balloons. An abrupt fall-off in sexual climaxes (maybe your partner is mad at you) can engorge the prostate as well. Alternately, for example, let’s say you have a “wild weekend” after a long period of celibacy. Your prostate which went into seclusion for a period, isn’t used to your being so suddenly, works strainnessly overtime to produce secretions for several ejaculations. As a result, it can become inflamed

Similar to BPH, Prostatitis is also commonly treated with antibiotics that may be effective when there is actually an infecting bacteria. Many times, however, they are not effective in these cases, either because they don’t eradicate the infection or because there never was an actual infection. Therefore, it is common for some patients to receive different courses of antibiotics. Sometimes certain drugs will be prescribed as their agent has a tenancy to relax the muscles of the bladder neck and prostate gland.

In the event, if prostatitis becomes difficult to treat or kept recurring, surgery will be the last resort.


Man’s greatest fear! Prostate cancer originates from the gland can be deadly if left undiagnosed, untreated, or neglected. Cancer cells multiply uncontrollably and can invade healthy cells nearby. While it can happen to any age, a high percentage of men with the disease occur after the age of 65. The actual cause is a mystery. The biggest contributing factors are an increase of testosterone level and bad habits; alcohol, tobacco, poor diet, genital or sexual diseases and etc. These can increase your risk of contracting cancer!

One big problem with prostate cancer is there are no defined set of symptoms. However, most cancer institute has identified a few as possible indicators of prostate cancer.

  1. inability to urinate.
  2. frequent urination especially at night.
  3. urine incontinence.
  4. pain during ejaculation.
  5. weak urine flow.
  6. burning sensation or pain felt when streaming urine.
  7. blood in urine or semen.
  8. frequent pain in the hips, lower back, or upper thighs.

You may see it’s all quite similar to BPH or prostatitis, isn’t it? As these symptoms may be caused not only by prostate cancer (probably from a number of other disorders not of the prostate), it is advisable to seek consultation from your doctor or talk to someone, a family member who had these problems before.

Prostate Problems

Erection Testosterone


As you know by now that the main role of the prostate is to make and squeeze the semen into the urethra canal and muscles the fluid out of the gland. So without a prostate, there’s no discharge! This often is mistaken as no erections or libido loss. As mentioned earlier, it’s a misconception!

The reason behind this is; the urethra running in the middle from the bladder down to the glands (where you pee or ejaculate) is being clamped by an enlarged prostate. Hence, causing its inability to let things flow through smoothly. In addition, if the prostate gland is infected or inflamed and that pain gets to the scrotum, anus, groin, lower back, thighs, and abdomen, it can dampen sexual pleasures and/or sexual desires. Frequent preventing of ejaculations may cause engorged prostate and congestive prostate to take place and that may cause inability to ejaculate. Likewise, a sudden explosive and marathon sex after celibating for a period of time will overdrive the prostate and the penis.

Similarly, you will notice that your penis is no longer as erect as it used to be and seems not as eager. Many older men find that their ejaculations are either powerless or the message to climax is not as strong as ever. Others discover that it takes longer to become erect again after intercourse. These changes are also normal (remember that the prostate enlarges as men age). Stresses (due to work, finances or love life, or even fear of being unable to have an erection) are very common causes of erection difficulties. With anxiety about your sexual performance, it can be a major factor in reducing or preventing your capacity to have and sustain an erection.

Declining Male Hormones

The sex hormones, chemicals that help shape your love life, unfortunately decline with age. The testicles in the human are the production site of this hormone, testosterone, from the androgen group. This male hormone plays key roles in both health and well-being including enhanced libido, energy, immune function, and protection against osteoporosis.

A lack of male hormones is an extremely rare cause of erection difficulties but decreasing testosterone levels can reduce his desire for sex.

The aging process (which is unavoidable) in men is accompanied by a significant decrease in available levels of this hormone and this is probably due to decreased activity of these hormone-producing cells and a reduction in blood supply to the testes. Androgen deficiency in men may lead to loss of strength and energy, a decrease in muscle mass, osteoporosis, a decrease in sexual activity. In some cases, changes in mood and cognitive function. This decreasing of hormone weakens the drive for sex, stamina, and strength to get an erection.

Testosterone is responsible for:

  1. the development of male secondary sexual characteristics such as body hair growth (e.g. facial, chest, and pubic hair)
  2. penile growth
  3. deepening of the voice
  4. sex drive (libido)
  5. indirectly helps achieve erections.
  6. possibly for a feeling of well-being and energy.

Testosterone replacement or supplement for men may help combat the effects of declining sex hormones.

Remember that the penis cannot be erected when the blood vessels become blocked and the blood can’t get to the penis. Occasionally, other conditions (alcohol, smoking, drugs, fatigue, poor diet, and health), can prevent a man from getting and sustaining a satisfactory erection.